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Ryujin by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 22, 2021
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Guardian of the sea

A water dragon that controls things like the weather. Lives in a giant coral palace.

Passive Ability

Tide jewels
Using his tide jewels ryujin can occasionally speed up allies or slow down enemies in range

Primary Abilities

Tide jewels: Ebb and Flow
First cast Ebb makes a line area very dry which slows enemies and dmgs them. Flow can turn the dry line area back to normal or used on regular ground the line area turns into a river that pulls enemies towards Ryujin and slows them. Ryujins BAs deal increased DMG when standing on river.
Crushing blow
Ryujin dashes forward and crushes enemies underneath his front claws dealing DMG and stuns.
Gushering river
Spews water out of ryujins mouth like a hose dmging enemies over time and slowly pushes enemies back. Can move but is reduced by20%. Lasts 5 sec. Water creates a river that boosts speed of allies and ryujin himself. Enemies are slowed on river.

Ultimate Abilities

Coral palace
Rises his coral palace and stands on the very top. This roots all nearby enemies with coral. Ryujin shoots water out of his mouth for the next 5 sec. Enemies take constant DMG. Ryujin and allies gain a shield once next to the palace. enemies are pushed back by Ryujins mouth spray but can't move while rooted
Deducts .5 sec off of roots.enemies are stunned if pushed into terrain.

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