Berserk style gameplay.
The device is simple, take hits, and return them! The management of his life points is the key to this god. Since she doesn't have any protections, she has a huge amount of health to keep up in combat.
Gameplay focuses on her being more powerful when she is near death, or at 50% of her current HP, to deal massive damage with her "Punishment" ability.
If she has maximum health, her damage is greatly reduced, but her amount of health allows her to take damage.
If she is close to death, she adopts a Berserk stance, which gives her one last hope of winning the fight.
Skills that depend on his health points.
To avoid tanking abuse, the transposition can only be done further and further away if she is close to death.
The mutilation, on the other hand, requires the loss of a maximum of health, to surprise the enemy, and obtain an impressive shield. It also allows you to manage your HP if the enemy avoids hitting Sacrieur in order to make her stronger.
As for punishment, it must be launched at the perfect time to defeat the enemy.
It will be advisable to play her with health drain to maintain enough health points, and items that can heal her with a lot of health. Proetctions will have no effect on her. Given its rigid mobility, it is possible to equip yourself with a weapon that slows down or allows you to drive out the enemy.
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