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Sacrieur, Angel of Compassion by Jabbaernu

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Sacrieur, Angel of Compassion

By: Jabbaernu
Last Updated: Oct 8, 2021
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Sacrieur, Angel of Compassion

The Angel of Compassion

Hello everyone ! This is my first concept god I hope you will like some idea.
For the moment I have not necessarily developed the damages amounts in depth, I would have to calculate everything to be well calibrated and balanced.
This is a cross-over with another video game that I really like; Dofus. This universe is made up of 12 gods, which I found cool to transcribe as a divinity in this game!


One of the latest arrivals to the Pantheon of the Gods. Beautiful, rebellious and a bit opportunistic. The sufferings inflicted on her, she endures them while remaining serene. Paradoxically, she cannot bear the suffering of living beings, and her merciful outbursts towards the weak and oppressed are often followed by vengeful anger towards the strong and oppressors.

Her great beauty and consummate art of combat make her a goddess venerated with fervor. It sometimes appears on battlefields, when they are deserted. She comes to shed a tear of compassion on the earth soaked by the blood of the vanquished.

The goddess Sacrier enters the Pantheon on the first Flovor of the year 11, after severe cold has punctuated the month of Javian. Indeed, the demon Djaul, furious at his failure against the Aguabrial Dragon, has just eliminated Solar, the protector of Javian, and made his winter storms last. Turning to the other gods, but having no response, the inhabitants of the World of Ten turn to a new figure of compassion: the goddess Sacrier. His faithful multiplying, Sacrier joined the Gods in place, despite the fury of Rushu, who sees it as a usurpation. Regardless, the world of Ten became the World of Eleven.

Passive Ability

Sacrieur does not protect herself.
She seeks pain, and therefore transforms her protections into points of health. In addition, the less life she has, the more damage it reduces.

Primary Abilities

Sacrieur loses 2% of her HP every second while the spell is active.
- She is unhealable during the effect, but gains increased damage.
- If she reactivates the spell, she grants herself a shield equal to all her HP lost with the spell for 3 seconds, loses her bonus damage but gains life drain.
Sacrieur swaps places with the target
- The less current health points she has, the longer the range.
Sacrieur inflicts raw damage according to her HP.
She deals maximum damages when at 50% of her HP.
She deals the equivalent of 33% of her max HP in damage.
The target is slowed for 2 seconds.

Ultimate Abilities

Bloodthirsty Madness
Sacrieur ends up with 10% of her HP.
The points of life lost are distributed in healing to his allies.
It reduces damage taken by 100% for 5 seconds.
She is immune to Slows for 2 seconds and the reduction drops from 100 to 0% during those 5 seconds.
She recovers 1% of her max HP converted in shield per hit received during those 5 seconds.

Other Abilities

Sacrieur strikes twice, once with each hand, then spins to deal damage all around her.


Berserk style gameplay.

The device is simple, take hits, and return them! The management of his life points is the key to this god. Since she doesn't have any protections, she has a huge amount of health to keep up in combat.

Gameplay focuses on her being more powerful when she is near death, or at 50% of her current HP, to deal massive damage with her "Punishment" ability.

If she has maximum health, her damage is greatly reduced, but her amount of health allows her to take damage.
If she is close to death, she adopts a Berserk stance, which gives her one last hope of winning the fight.

Skills that depend on his health points.

To avoid tanking abuse, the transposition can only be done further and further away if she is close to death.

The mutilation, on the other hand, requires the loss of a maximum of health, to surprise the enemy, and obtain an impressive shield. It also allows you to manage your HP if the enemy avoids hitting Sacrieur in order to make her stronger.

As for punishment, it must be launched at the perfect time to defeat the enemy.

It will be advisable to play her with health drain to maintain enough health points, and items that can heal her with a lot of health. Proetctions will have no effect on her. Given its rigid mobility, it is possible to equip yourself with a weapon that slows down or allows you to drive out the enemy.


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