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Sadida, Dancer with Soles of Wind by Jabbaernu

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Sadida, Dancer with Soles of Wind

By: Jabbaernu
Last Updated: Oct 8, 2021
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Sadida, Dancer with Soles of Wind

The Dancer with the Soles of Wind

Hello everyone ! This is my first concept god I hope you will like some idea.
For the moment I have not necessarily developed the damages amounts in depth, I would have to calculate everything to be well calibrated and balanced.
This is a cross-over with another video game that I really like; Dofus. This universe is made up of 12 gods, which I found cool to transcribe as a divinity in this game!


It is said that "Neither the sun nor Sadida can look each other in the face". Maybe that's why he wears a mask: so that everyone, gods and mortals alike, can converse with him.

Sadida is the god of plants: making germinate and giving life are his main source of pleasure; her dolls derive their essence from vegetable magic, which they divert to their advantages. We see it from time to time during the spring nights, when the moon is round, dancing on the ridges, followed by a swarm of buds and flowers ....

Passive Ability

Harassing bramble
Sadida applies a mark when hitting an enemy with an attack or spell. This mark is called the thorn.
If he hits an enemy with a spell, all enemies with the thorn also suffer the spell on them and lose the thorn.
The thorn stacks only once, consumes only once, and must be replied to the enemy. Obviously, at least one enemy already marked is necessary to apply the spell to two enemies.

Primary Abilities

Mad Grass
Tall grass rises from the ground on the target area for 3 sec.
Enemies inside take damage that increases with each hit. The area increases from its center for 3 seconds to its maximum size ( Ra / Anubis Mao size )
Apply the thorn. Apply the spell to enemies who have the thorn and lose it.
The overpowered
Sadida invokes the overpowered. A doll made of his magic. She follows Sadida and flees enemies while she is alive.
It increases movement speed, while healing him every 5 seconds (2% HP). When she sees an enemy, every 10 seconds she summons an even smaller doll (1 hit to kill it), which rushes towards enemies and explodes in melee. They apply the thorn. The reload time does not trigger until the death of "the overpowered".
Aggressive bramble
Sadida knocks huge brambles out of the ground, forming a cage over an enemy god, imprisoning him for 1 second, then swooping down on him, dealing heavy damage.
Apply the spell to enemies who have the thorn and lose it.

Ultimate Abilities

Sadida roots all enemies for 1.3 seconds and applies thorns to them. For 5 seconds thereafter;
The Mad Grass spell makes allies invisible in the grass.
The aggressive bramble stuns at the end of its animation for a second.
The summoned "Overpowered" is improved.
Only one spell benefits from the bonus, you have to choose.

Other Abilities

His attacks come from the ground, and are not launched from his position (it's like a Sylvanus attack); The range is shorter than a normal attack, and the projectile's animation is slow.
Its attack also applies the thorn.


Gameplay focused on the multiplication of spells.

Sadida allows you to hit multiple enemies while targeting only one person! Its many spells allow you to apply spells to multiple enemies.
The gameplay is all about hitting as many enemies as possible in order to hit everyone.
It is therefore an excellent distributor of magic damage, on the other hand the spells do average damage, or are hard to place. Spells have very narrow targeting areas.

Harassing skills

Sadida seems to do little damage, but won't give you a break. Between her nagging dolls, zone spells, and spell multiplication, you won't escape your share of pain.
Sadida's dolls allow you to constantly push the lane since your attack has a low range.
His ultimate doesn't hit but applies control to all enemies, regardless of distance. He then gets a small bonus for his next spell.
Its basic attack has a very short range but allows it to strike behind a minion.
It will be advisable to apply as much thorns as possible in order to try to launch the aggressive bramble on all enemies at once and apply enormous damage. However, the spell is very difficult to place.

In the event of a leak, Mad Grass will slow all enemies under the effect of thorns.
The doll heals you little by little and allows you to stay in lane.

Be careful, Sadida has no mobility spell.



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