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Saitama by S123Fee

1 Votes


By: S123Fee
Last Updated: Jul 2, 2021
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One Punch Man

Saitama trained for three years to make his body and mind undefeatable. He did a hundred pushups, situps, and squats followed by a 10 kilometer run daily.

Passive Ability

One hundred pushups
Saitama's punch damage has been increased to godlike levels.
One Hundred situps
Saitama's durability has been increased to godlike levels.
One Hundred squats
Saitama's jumping ability has been increased to godlike levels.
10 kilometer run
Saitama's speed and stamina have been increased to godlike levels.

Primary Abilities

Normal Punch
Saitama casually punches the enemy before him. If the enemy is not a god, they die. If they are a god and they have less than 60% of their health, they die.

No cooldown, cannot be used twice in a row.
Consecutive Normal Punches
Saitama casually punches the opponent in front of him multiple times. If the enemy is not a god, they die. This ability takes away 75% of a god's full health.

No cooldown, cannot be used twice in a row
Serious Side Hops
Saitama hops sideways fast enough to create a hundred after mirages. He moves forward and runs into the opponent taking away 10% of a god's full health bar. Can hit multiple times and stuns for three seconds. If the enemy is not a god, each hit takes away 25% of their health bar.

No cooldown, cannot be used twice in a row.
Jump to the moon and back
Saitama is kicked to the moon by Lord Boros(In this case, Saitama jumps there) He jumps back to earth at 0.07 times the speed of light, leaving a massive crater on the moon. His landing unleashes 2,324,897,103.91 newtons of force, decimating any opponent in the area of effect. Against a god, this takes away 95% of their health bar.

Ultimate Abilities

Serious punch
This attack is said to be the most powerful attack in Saitama's arsenal. Against a god, this attack takes away 100% of their health bar, unless the god has the status effect Battle Spirit. If so, Saitama gains respect for his opponent and holds back taking away 85% of their health bar.

Can only be used against an opponent once, due to Saitama's respect for his opponent increasing, causing him to use weaker attacks.

Other Abilities

Karate Chop
Saitama uses this attack against weaker opponents like humans. Against a god, this attack takes away 5% of their health bar.
Double hand block
Saitama sticks both his hands out to stop the enemy's attacks. This attack is so powerful that the enemy's defense is broken.

No cooldown, cannot be used twice in a row.

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ZingZang1235 (1) | July 3, 2021 7:35am
Saitama is busted therefore if he was put into a game making him be busted there would make sense. obviously this wouldn't be put into the game. Some nice concepts here except I'm confused about how many abilities he has and how people would cast them if he was actually in the game. His passive also doesn't do anything.
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