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Sally by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Nov 5, 2021
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The doll seamstress

Sally is a Frankenstein like monster girl who was made by Dr. Finklestein. They have a father daughter relationship but Sally is kept away from everything outside of her dad's laboratory. She falls in love with Jack and tries to help him with his obsession with Christmas. Sally poisons Dr. Finklestein a lot to make him fall asleep so she can leave away in secret.

Passive Ability

Ragdoll body
Casting abilities dmged Sally for 3% of her max ho and leaves a piece of her on the ground. After casting she also gain attack speed and lifesteal that stacks based on her missing hp up to a cap. If she picks up her body part she heals herself for 5% max hp. Enemies can stand on her body parts destroying them but are slowed for 1 sec.

Primary Abilities

Deadly nightshade needles
Gains 15% attack speed for 5 sec. Gains 6 boosted BAs. The first needle to hit an enemy deals increased dmg and poisons them. The second needle to hit the same target deals dmg and slows them by 90% for 1 sec. The third needle to hit the same enemy has 33% increased crit dmg and stuns for 1.5 sec. The second 3 needles to hit the same enemy again deals 33% less dmg and slows is reduced to 75%.
Leading thread
Channels for 1 sec then fires a large needle with a thread tied on the back of it forward. In a line in front of Sally the needle hits enemies and in two areas beside the needle it automatically weaves the thread through enemies in those areas also dealing dmg. At the end of the needles range if it hits nothing the needle pulls itself back pulling all enemies with the thread in them into a straight line in front of Sally. This roots them for .5 sec. If an enemy god is hit they take true dmg and pulls Sally forward through all enemies hit and dealing dmg and rooting them for 1.5 sec. If the needle hits a wall it pulls Sally towards the wall.
Charged piercing needle
Sally throws a large needle forward that deals dmg and applies a debuff to all enemies hit. This reduces their prots y 29% for 3 sec and slows. The needle travels further when it hits an enemy and pierces all enemies. Sally gains a buff at the end and it stacks based on how many enemies were hit. Max 7. Gains movement speed and attack speed lasting 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Poison puncture needle
Sally prepares 3 poisons to choose from to boost this ability. These poisons replace Sally's basic abilities and recasting ult cancels the ability.Worms wart: the needle makes enemies hit blind and deaf for 3 sec. They are slowed by 90% for 1 sec and now take 50% increased dmg from Sally for the next 5 sec. frogs breath: Makes enemies hit take poison dmg and be slowed by 50% for 5 sec. Poison lasts 5 sec as well. deadly nightshade: makes enemies fall asleep for 2 sec. If the sleeping enemy is dmged while sleeping they take 33% more dmg and are awoken early giving them a slowed 90% for 2 sec. All of these effects affect a singular enemy. The singular needle thrown has increased prots penetration and crit dmg. All effects scale with crit and attack dmg.

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