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Saraswati by PerfectlyPink

1 Votes


By: PerfectlyPink
Last Updated: Sep 25, 2020
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Goddess of Music

The Image was taken from reddit from a user named ReinaBlaka. I'm not sure if it's their art or not. Just thought it'd be good to give credit.

Saraswati is the Hindu goddess of music, knowledge, learning, and more. For this kit, I think it'd be best to focus on music specifically for multiple reasons. There are no gods for music (except Apollo, but **** Apollo) which could be really cool, she could have some amazing skins that change the type of music played, we haven't had a Hindu god since Ganesha (I think), and... well it'd be cool. Now time to actually talk about the god. I base her design loosely off Octavia and Hydroid from Warframe

Passive Ability

Musical Influence
Your basic attack is a beam of music, dealing 14(+20%) dmg every 0.4 sec with a 50 unit range (5 less than a normal ranged basic attack). Using your basic attack in the radius of your abilities changes its property. Your basic attack does not proc item effects, stops at minions and gods (does not go through), and attack speed gained from items increases the ability to pass through enemies (every 25% lets your BA pass through 3 minions and 1 god). You also cannot interrupt mesmerized enemies with your auto attacks

Ability 1: Your basic attack has increased range (70)

Ability 2: During the duration, your auto attack deals true damage every 4th tic

Ability 3: Apply a lingering (and catchy) tune that will lull enemies to sleep. After hitting 10 consecutive tics, mesmerize the affected target for 1.5 sec.

All 3 abilities: Your next auto attack will lock onto the nearest enemy (range: 100) and deal 70 (+70%) true damage, and enrage that enemy for 3 seconds (they will attack their nearest ally with auto attacks)

Primary Abilities

Saraswati's Tablas
Place up to two deploy-able tablas that deal damage in a radius around them, reducing enemy protections and increasing allied protections, with the final beat detonating the tablas, dealing increased damage and reducing enemies’ damage for a short time. If your ultimate is active or all you abilities are on cooldown, each tic will reduce enemies max health for 50 seconds. If the tablas are in the radius of Seeing pool, each tic of damage will also slow by 2%. If cast in the radius of Saraswati’s Sitar, the tablas will detonate, deal all of their damage and apply all tics of it’s effects at once.

Duration: 3.5 Seconds

Damage: 15/20/25/30/35 (+35%) every 0.5 sec for 3 seconds

Final damage: 90/110/135/150/180 (+70%)

Enemy health reduced: 2% (20% max)

Protection increase/decrease: 15/20/25/30/40

Enemy damage reduction: 10%

Cooldown: 16 seconds each (32 total)

Mana cost: 70/80/90/100/120

The tablas damage and affects will stack with eachother .
Seeing Pond
Place a pond that absorbs enemies and allies alike. Enemies absorbed will be banished to the bottom of the pond and will be dealt damage for the duration or until the escape. Enemies can escape by jumping 4 times. Enemies reflection will be visible to allies, but not enemies, these reflections can be destroyed, damaging the enemy in the pond. Enemies that take damage from this will receive 50% less of the normal damage. Allies can jump to enter and escape the pond (Knock ups and knock backs don’t count as jumps) and will be healed and become invulnerable for the duration. Allies in the pond will receive a brief blind when exiting the pond and will not be able to perform any action for 0.5 sec. When all abilities are cast, or her ultimate is active, she absorbs the pond and sends forth a mighty wave sending enemies, caught in the path or previously in the pond, along for the ride.

Damage: 30/40/50/60/70 (+90%) every 1 sec

Heal: 50 (+25%) every 1.5

Mana increase per ally: 1.5X

Range: 15 (Range increase: 25)

Wave damage: 100/120/140/160/180 (+100%)

Duration: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 20 sec
Mana: 70 every 1 second
Saraswati's Sitar
Infuse a small area with Sarawati’s enchanting tune. Your sitar creates a bubble around you that cripples enemies in the radius (the bubble is stationary) and grants you and your allies a shield while inside the bubble. You can detonate the bubble, damaging and knocking back enemies inside; you will also be launched in the direction you were facing (about the range of persephone’s leap).

Radius: 25

Sheild: 100/200/300/400/500 (+25%)

Damage: 90/110/140/190/250 (+120%)

Duration: 15 Seconds

Cooldown: 13 Seconds

Mana: 90

Ultimate Abilities

Sound of Music
Release the song within you, sending 5 pulses of music from you, increasing your power, and healing allies, along with different effects for each pulse. The pulses deal massive damage, but can be avoided by enemies by jumping at the right time. The first pulse reduced allies cooldowns by 70%, the second Taunts enemies, the third knocks up enemies, the forth increases you and allies protections, and the fifth deal 100% more damage and 100% more healing.

Damage: 100/250/350/450/600 (+95%)

Heal: 90/120/150/180/210 (+10%)

Taunt duration: 2 Sec

Protection increase: 50 + 5 per Saraswati’s level.

Cooldown: 120

Mana Cost: 140

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