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Scathach by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 4, 2024
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The Shadow

God Description

Passive Ability

Shadow Stealer
Whenever Scathach hits an enemy god they gain a stack of Shadow Stealer. Max 3 stacks. Each stack increases her power by 3% and decreases the enemies power by 3%. Once an enemy gains all 3 stacks they take bonus dmg based on the amount of their power reduced and ends the power reduction effect. Enemies can't be affected by this passive again for 10 sec. Can have stacks on multiple enemy gods. Scathach caps her own power increase at 15%.

Primary Abilities

Creeping Darkness
Selects an area and after a .5 sec delay Scathach teleports to that area. Upon arriving Scathach swings her sword in a circle around herself. This deals dmg, slows, and has increased lifesteal. For 5 sec Scathach gains movement speed and attack speed based on the number of enemy gods hit. During this time Scathach can recast this ability to teleport back to her casting position.
Soul Sucker
Scathach lunges forwards a short distance and stabs with her spear at the same time. Any enemy hit is stunned and takes dmg over time. This lasts 1 sec. During this time Scathach is self-rooted and can't take any action besides cancelling the ability early. Scathach heals the dmg dealt to enemies hit. This ability stuns for 2 sec and deals and heals more if the enemy hit had all 3 stacks of Shadow Stealer activated.
Flickering Silhouette
For 10 sec Scathach empowers her BAs to have a .3 sec wind up and stab forwards in a line. This deals dmg to all enemies hit and deals 15% bonus BA dmg. Item effects on trigger once even if multiple enemies are hit. Every 2 sec this ability can be recast to make Scathach dash a short distance in the direction they are moving. While dashing is untargetable and ignores the effects of any ground abilities (like Scylla 1). Recasting the dash acts as a BA reset for her empowered BAs. (So using a BA, dashing, then another BA is faster then 2 BAs one after the other). Gains haste during this time as well.

Ultimate Abilities

Pitch Black Blot
Upon casting becomes cc immune then becomes a giant shadow on the ground. Gains movement speed, is untargetable, and dmg immune for 5 sec. Can not take any other actions besides moving or cancelling the ability early. Once duration is up or by recasting early Scathach erupts out of the ground dmging and knocking up all enemies hit. This automatically activates all 3 stacks from passive on all enemies hit. Power bonus cap is now increased to 24%. If this move hits an enemy god she retains the movement speed buff.

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