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Sekhmet by afyoung05

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By: afyoung05
Last Updated: Apr 25, 2020
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The Lioness

God Description

Passive Ability

Whenever Sekhmet kills an enemy she gains stacks (1 for minions 5 for gods), capping at 10 stacks. Each stack gives Sekhmet X% additional Damage and Hitspeed and expires after Xs.

Ability Type: Buff
Affects: Self

Primary Abilities

Flaming Arrows (Warrior Form)
Sekhmet's next X shots (starts at 6 and increases by 1 each level) are augmented with fire, dealing additional damage and burning the enemy for X damage every Xs. This ability cannot be canceled after an arrow has been fired.

Ability Type: Buff
Affects: Self
Pounce (Lioness Form)
Sekhmet pounces forwards through the air, landing at a target location and damaging enemies nearby. Enemies hit by thi ability are also slowed by X% for Xs.

Ability Type: Attack
Target: Circle
Affects: Enemies
Eye of Ra (Warrior Form)
Sekhmet taps inot the power of Ra, blasting fire in a circle around her, damaging enemies and burning them, cuasing them to take additional damage every Xs. Sekhmet also gains an attack speed bonus for Xs.

Ability Type: Attack and Buff
Target: Circle
Affects: Enemies and Self
Maul (Lioness Form)
Sekhmet charges forwards and grabs an enemy in her jaws, damaging them and stunning them for Xs. Sekhmet recovers health equal to X% of the damage dealt.

Ability Type: Attack
Target: Line
Affects: Enemies
Breath of the Desert (Both Forms)
Sekhmet channels for 0.7s before breathing a continuous heated blast for Xs dealing damage and silencing enemies. Enemies damaged by this are also burned, taking X damage every Xs.

Ability Type: Attack
Target: Cone
Affects: Enemies

Ultimate Abilities

The Lioness
Sekhmet switches into Lioness form gaining increased movement speed, becoming immune to disarms and gaining access to different abilities.
The Warrior
Sekhmet switches in Warrior form gaining increased damage and access to different abilities.

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