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Sekhmet/Hathor by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 26, 2022
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Eye of Ra

(there is another sekhmet concept here but I just wanted to share my version and ask for feedback on which one is better and what I can improve with her. Thank you) so sekhmet is the wife of ptah and was created by Ra to kill evildoers.(don't ask for details) sekhmet killed them and became so bloodthirsty she just killed anyone she found. Ra was enraged and dealt with sekhmeta bloodlust by confusing her. He filled barrels with wine and left them in a town once sekhmet found them she thought they were barrels of blood and drank all of them becoming so drunk she couldn't move. Hathor is the goddess of the sky, music, dancing, beauty, fate, afterlife, and motherhood. she is the peaceful version of sekhmet as they are the same goddess.

Passive Ability

Bloodthirst and kindness
Sekhmet Sekhmet gains bloodthirst whenever she attacks an enemy. Using abilities grants 10 stacks while BA's grant 5 stacks. If she reaches max stacks she gains cc immunity for 3 sec, movement speed, and lifesteal. Every 10 stacks of boodthirst grant bonus power. When the cc immunity effect is activated the bloodthirst disappears in 3 sec. The bonus power also goes down with it in the same amount of time. Can gain stacks constantly. Hathor Hathor also has this except its kindness instead of bloodthirst. Hathor gains one stack of kindness ove time 1 every sec. She also gains 2 from her BAs and 10 stacks from ability casts. Every 10 stacks grants bonus protections. When max kindness is reached Hathor gains movement speed towards allies and gains 15% more healing power for 3 sec. this also makes her immune to dmg for 1.5 sec. Can't gain any stacks of kindness for 5 sec after activating this effect once.

Primary Abilities

sun burned khopesh/innocent bleat
Sekhmet Upon casting Sekhmet gains bonus movement speed and empowers her next BA to swipe forward. This effect can last for 5 sec before going on cooldown. The swipe burns the enemy hit. Burn dmg is increased based on time ability was active. Swipe can hit multiple enemies. This abilities cooldown is reduced by 1 sec everytime Sekhmet lands a BA. Hathor When cast Hathor moo's and in an area around her allies are healed and granted movement seed for 3 sec. Enemies nearby are slowed ad trembled. This abilities cooldown is reduced by 1.5 sec whenever she lands a BA. Can have multiple chargs of this. Amount total increases with level.
pleague bearer/ointment milk
Sekhmet Selects an area and it summons a plague there. Then it takes 1 sec to grow to its max size and deals dmg over time. The plague slows enemies, reduces their healing, and increases Sekhmets lifesteal while in the plague. The field lasts 5 sec or can recast to end it early. Harthor selects an area and then throws a jar of milk at it. If an Ally is hit by the jar they are healed over time and granted a shield. If an enemy is hit they take dmg and are stunned. This also breaks shields on them. When the jar hits anything it leaves a pool of milk on the ground that slows enemies and speeds up allies who stand on it. Pool lasts 3 sec on the ground.
Blood hunt/ramming toss
Sekhmet upon casting Sekhmet gains movement speed towards the nearest enemy god in range of her sense of smell. The movement speed ramps up over time and lasts max 5 sec. A ring around her will increase in size the more movement speed she gains and if an enemy god is in that radius she can recast to leap to them. This stuns the enemy hit and Sekhmet deals dmg to them multiple times. This applies bleed and Sekhmet gains lifesteal. Both last 3 sec. Hathor charges forward and gains movement speed over time. Lasts max 5 sec. Running into an enemy Tramples them. Trample puts an enemy into the ground stunning them. They can stay in the ground for max 5 sec. They can come out early by pressing the jump button or using BAs. The charge deals dmg as well. When Hathor is on an enemy she can use a BA to instead throw the enemy backwards dealing dmg and slowing them once they land. If she does this it ends the charge early.

Ultimate Abilities

Eye of Ra/Joy of life
This ability is used to switch between Hathor and Sekhmet. Can choose who to respawn as by using cursor.Sekhmet If Sekhmet uses this ability to change into Hathor she selects an area and after 1 sec of delay sunlight crashes down on that area dealing dmg and shredding enemies protections by 25% for 3 sec. This also stuns enemies hit. Hathor if Hathor uses this ability to turn into Sekhmet it takes 1.5 sec to do so as she heals herself over the duration it takes to transform and becomes untargetable and unable to take dmg. after transforming from either form gains movement speed and has their passive filled up halfway.

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