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Sha Wujing by ZingZang1235

2 Votes

Sha Wujing

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2021
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Sha Wujing

Sand aware of purity

Sha Wujing used to be a general in the jade emperor's army but in a fit of rage he destroyed a vase resulting in his punishment of being reincarnated as a flesh eating demon. He was punished by 7 swords that would come down from the heavens and Pierce his chest every day. To avoid this he lived in a river and ate any humans who tried to cross it. He kept the weapon he used as a heavenly general with him and had a skull necklace from some monks he killed which floated instead of sink like the other skulls. He was also given the chance to be compensate for his suffering and was told to join Tang Sanzang s journey but when sandy met them he tried to kill them and eat them until the misunderstanding was corrected. Then he joined them on their journey and at the end he became a Golden-bodied arhat.

Passive Ability

Mark of the demon
Every attack grants enemies a stack of mark of the demon. Each stack deals dmg over time and can have max 5 stacks at a time. Upon reaching 5 stacks an enemy is slowed. This also grants Sha Wujing attack speed and movement speed against enemies with 5 stacks. Each stack lasts 3 sec each which can stack when a new one is added.

Primary Abilities

Sand form
Sha Wujing targets an enemy and dashes to them as sand unable to take dmg in this form. Upon arriving at the enemy they are dmged and rooted for 1.5 sec and gain a stack of the mark of the demon.
Cleaving strike
In an arc in front of him he swings his crescent staff dmging and crippling all enemies hit. If an enemy hit has a stack of the mark of the demon the stacks dmg over time is down in an instant and deals true dmg if that enemy hit has all 5 stacks. Enemies are slowed if they have the mark as well.
Raging river
In a line in front of himself raises a river on the ground which dmged and roots enemies who are on it when it's summoned. If enemies walk on it after it's summoned they are slowed. Sha Wujing gains movement speed and attack speed on the river. If an enemy walks on the river or stands on it every sec they are on it a stack of the mark of the demon is given to them.

Ultimate Abilities

The demons rage
Sha Wujing passively gains dmg on his BAs when an enemy gains all 5 stacks of the mark of the demon. Active ability makes him leap a short distance to an enemy and slam his staff down on them consuming all stacks they have on them into true dmg plus base dmg. If an enemy is killed from this can reuse this ability again with no cooldown for 30 sec until it goes on cooldown. This effect can happen 5 times. Is healed a small amount of hp when all 5 stacks is reached.

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