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Shango by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jul 27, 2022
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The Third Alaafin

Is the god of storms for the Yorubas and once was a mortal king with three wives. He loved violence and went out killing a lot of people. Then one day in his palace he was struck by lightning along with his three wives killing them all. The he became a god.

Passive Ability

Raging rain
Every time Shango takes dmg he is granted a stack of raging rain. Max stacks is 5. Once all 5 stacks are reached Shango gains health and empowers his next BA to throw a charged ax forward that slows the first enemy hit. If this hits an enemy god they grant bonus mana.

Primary Abilities

Skies rage
Shango calls lightning to strike himself dealing 10% max hp DMG to himself and in an area around himself stunning and dmging enemies. This shields allies around him as well. Shield lasts 3 sec. This counts towards passive stacks.
Cloud cutting ax
Shango throws his ax forward slowing enemies it hits. At max range ax stops and Shango has 1.5 sec to recast to turn into a ball of electricity and dash to the ax. This makes him unstoppable and takes 20% reduced DMG. When dashing he dmges enemies in his way and slows them again. If Shango doesn't recast the ax will return to Shango dealing double DMG on the way back. Can only deal double DMG if the ax hit an enemy when first thrown forward.
Red lightning dance
Shango leaps a short distance of his choosing in a direction and for the next 5 sec he empowers himself with red lightning. This causes his abilities to dmg himself for 5% if his max hp, have reduced cooldowns, deal increased dmg based on his total amount of protections, and in an area around himself strikes nearby enemies constantly dealing dmg to them and shreds their protections over time.

Ultimate Abilities

Shango selects a small area and any enemy hit has a lightning rod on them. Then Shango summons a storm of lightning and rain. This storm follows the lightning rod and lasts for 5 sec. Any enemy in the storm takes dmg over time, are slowed, and have reduced healing. If the rod doesnt hit an enemy the storm stays still. Allies in the storm are healed over time and gain movement speed towards the lightning rod. All allies gods including Shango himself deal 10% more dmg to enemies who the lightning rod is in. Shango deals the bonus dmg as true dmg.

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