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Shinigami by PayneInTheA55

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By: PayneInTheA55
Last Updated: Nov 3, 2021
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God of Death

The Shinigami, who originated in Japanese folklore, is the God of Death. However, contrary to popular belief, the Shinigami does not control who lives or dies. Rather, they patrolled the Earth protecting the sanctity of all humans. To do this, they would visit those who wished to end they're lives before their time.

The Shinigami kept balance of the living and found peace in doing so. As time passed, they noticed the greed of all humans growing beyond comprehension. The Shinigami attempted to prevent the greed by revealing himself to those of power. Hysteria and bloodlust ensued, reducing the lifespan of so many to nothing.

One day, in the midst of a preventable war, the Shinigami saw a familiar figure among the bloodshed. Izanami, the Matron of the Dead, was behind the root causes of the wars which had troubled the Shinigami for so long. She vowed to Izanagi, her former husband, that she'd kill 1,000 humans each day. In doing so, the only way for the humans to explain these murders was to blame their own neighbors. Resulting in countless wars and extinguished lifespans.

Seeing this act in the present, the Shinigami snapped. They believed the gods could not be trusted with the lives of the humans in which he loved. He vowed to slay all gods in the name of all humans killed by their hands.

To this day, the Shinigami wages war on all gods regardless of affiliation and rank in their respective hierarchy.

Passive Ability

Death's Embrace
Shinigami's sole purpose, is to avenge the souls of those whose lives were ended prematurely. They do so by slaying opposing gods by his own hands. The Shinigami is notified of a god who's time has come. By successfully slaying the marked god Shinigami gains bonus gold and physical power. If an allied god kills the marked god rather than Shinigami, the Shinigami instead gains a stack of resentment instead. Resentment stacks are removed on successful marked god kill.

Ability type| stacking/Buff| Bonus Gold: 150 (no max stacks)| Bonus Physical Power: 5% (up to 5)
Resentment| Stacking| Critical hit chance: 5% (up to 5 stacks)

Primary Abilities

Breathe of Time
Shinigami releases a powerful gust of time from his mouth. reducing enemy gods life span. Doing tick damage to all enemies within the cone for 3 seconds ticking every .5 seconds, slowing them and reducing all protections by 10%.

Ability type| Cone
Damage (per tick): 35/50/65/80/95 (plus 40% of your physical power)
Damage (max): 210/300/390/480/570 (plus 180% of your physical power)
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s
Time control
Shinigami can reverse time back by 3s for himself. Restoring up to 50% of health and mana lost within that time.

Ability type: Self
Health/Mana: 30/35/40/45/50%
Death's Grip
Shinigami dashes forward, grabs one enemy, then returns with the enemy god to the point the ability started. The grab deals damage, at the point of return the enemy god is stunned and slowed for 5s.

Ability type: Pull

Damage: 50/65/80/95/110 (plus 75% of your physical power)
Stun: 2s
Slow: 15%
Cost: 25/35/45/55/65
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10

Ultimate Abilities

Death Incarnate
Shinigami travels to the underworld to acquire strength from fallen humans who house boundless resentment for the gods. Shinigami then returns, in a form that could only be described as "Death Incarnate". Shinigami is immune to all CC, gains increased life steal, and Movement speed whilst in this form.
If the Shinigami has resentment stacks, his rage further powers him, removing all stacks giving increased Physical Penetration and 1s towards the length of the ultimate.

Ability type: Sweep/Buff

Damage: 195/245/395/445]/515 (Plus 250% of physical power)
Movement speed: 25%
Life steal: 7/9/11/13/15%
CCR: 5s
Resentment stacks (Physical penetration): 5/10/15/20/25%
Resentment stacks (Time towards ultimate): 1/2/3/4/5s

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