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Shu by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2021
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The empty pacifist

(shu's title is harsh I get it) the god of air and he separates Geb and Nut from doing stuff that's nsfw with his air. He essentially created the atmosphere and his abilities I tried to represent him pushing or separating enemies and helping allies.

Passive Ability

Air mark
Ability 3 leaves a mark on enemies. This mark slows enemies by 10% for 3 sec. This cannot stack.

Primary Abilities

Vortex expulsion
Creates a vortex that sucks in enemies for 3 sec then blasts then all away dealing dmg and stunning enemies.
Gust trail
Fires a blast of wind in a line leaving behind a trail and knocking up enemies. The trail gives speed boost to allies who walk on it. Enemies are slowed.
Air pockets
Passive: enemies hit by Shu and his abilities are marked. Marked enemies are slowed by 10% for 3 sec and can not stack.
Active: marked enemies are surrounded by swirling air bubbles which deal dmg over time and slows enemies inside. Slow and dmg can stack if multiple bubbles are connected. Mark lasts 5 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Weight of the sky
(this is a representation of what would happen if but and Geb met is shu was not here people. U warned you) let's a part of the sky fall into the earth dmging and stunning enemies underneath. The earth then cracks under the skies weight which creates a field that slows enemies.

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CuresedDrakon | February 18, 2021 10:48am
I really like how you interpreted Shu I think the only thing that could be changed would be his passive but other than that its really good. I think for a passive you could use the passive from air pockets and call it something like Mark of the Wind and then have the active the same
ZingZang1235 (1) | February 18, 2021 11:23am
Thank you for you suggestion. I decided that having it be a passive strictly from being unlocked by leveling ability 3 would be best since being able to slow enemies with all his abilities right off the bat didn't seem ok with me since that's like slowing enemies every 3 sec.
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