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Sif by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jun 7, 2024
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Hair like Golden Wheat

God Description

Passive Ability

Luscious Locks
BAs have increased range(like Maui) and heal Sif for a percentage of her max hp. If they hit an ally they healed for the same amount. Has increased hp5 while out of combat.

Primary Abilities

Strangling Hair
In a line forwards Sif hurls a mass of her hair. If it hits an enemy god they are rooted and take dmg. Sif then pulls herself to that enemy.
Wild Mane
Passive: Sifs first BA against an enemy deals bonus dmg and roots them. This effect has a 7 sec cooldown per enemy god.

Active: in an area around herself Sif whirls her hair around. This deals dmg and slows all enemies hit. Sif then gains a shield for each enemy god hit by this ability.
Sif selects an ally and heals them based on a portion of her max hp. Healing an ally this way deals 75% of the healing as dmg to Sif. Cannot use this ability if it would kill her. Does not pay the hp cost if Sif hit an enemy god with Strangling Hair for the next cast of this ability within 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Field of Golden Wheat
In a massive area around herself Sif grows a field of wheat. This heals all nearby allies based on Sifs max hp and grants movement speed. Enemies take dmg and are stunned. The wheat then lingers for 3 sec afterwards acting as a bush.

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