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Sir Galehaut by SaurontheSwole

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Sir Galehaut

By: SaurontheSwole
Last Updated: Jun 19, 2022
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Sir Galehaut

Lord of the Distant Isles

The half giant knight who almost defeated Arthur and became King. Luckily he had a change of heart after seeing Lancelot fight, the two would go on to be great comrades.

Passive Ability

For every Assist Galehaut is credited for he gains a stack of Fellowship. Each stack increases mitigation by 1% and power by 5 max at 10 stacks. At maximum stacks, Galehaut shares 5% of his total mitigation among his teammates within 50 units.

Primary Abilities

Cleaving Fury/Prideful Leap
Prideful Leap- Galehaut leaps forward slamming his blade in front of him dealing AOE damage around him upon landing. If an enemy is hit by his sword they are slowed by 20% for 1 second.

Cleaving Fury- Galehaut swings his sword in a single 360 spin, damaging enemies and reducing their protections for 3 seconds
Besiege- Galehaut performs an upward swing knocking enemies up. If Galehaut uses Cleaving Fury while enemies are still in the air then they are knocked back.

Grasp- Galehaut Reaches forward if he comes into contact with an enemy then he grabs them, holding them in place for 1.5 seconds but is unable to move himself during the duration.
Bolster- Galehaut encourages his teammates to fight harder increasing their attack speed by 10% for 3 seconds. Applies to Minions as well but at 5%.

Beckon- Galehaut Marks a target in front of him reducing their magical and physical protections by 5% for 5 seconds. If Galehaut Grasps a marked enemy then the enemy becomes stunned instead of rooted.

Ultimate Abilities

The Uncrowned King
Galehaut summons his companions for a charge, going forward and skewering enemies pushing them back. If Galehaut passes his teammates with the charge he provides them with 15% increased movement speed for 8 seconds.


I wanted to think about the most aggressive guardian that I possibly could while also keeping to the Arthurian Pantheon's style of combo abilities. I also wanted to make a guardian that genuinely rewards people for getting assists and setting up for their teammates as Support seems to be a role a lot of people stay away from because it is "boring".

I decided to keep the percentages and times moderate and or low because idk how this would look in the game and all this CC might prove to be too much. Also, a concern that I developed is that Sentinels might be too effective on him as his passive when transformed provides mitigations to his teammates.

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Rod_M | April 29, 2022 11:52am
Very interesting concept, would love to see him as an Arthurian God, I do enjoy playing some of the support Gods.
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