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Sram, The Sneaky Pest by Jabbaernu

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Sram, The Sneaky Pest

By: Jabbaernu
Last Updated: Oct 12, 2021
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Sram, The Sneaky Pest

Twelve's Mythology

Hello everyone ! This is my first concept god I hope you will like some idea.
For the moment I have not necessarily developed the damages amounts in depth, I would have to calculate everything to be well calibrated and balanced.
This is a cross-over with another video game that I really like; Dofus. This universe is made up of 12 gods, which I found cool to transcribe as a divinity in this game!


The God Sram is unfazed. He never lets his emotions betray him, and will always speak in an even tone, never losing his composure. A quality that he passed on to his followers. Like his physique, but this is still less enviable.

Do not trust appearances, in the presence of the God Sram, because he can lead people to believe a lot of things on his behalf, provided that it serves his interests. Passing for a dark moron barely out of his cosmic backwater does not bother him at all. In truth, he is calculating, manipulative and ruthless. Spread the word.

Sram would have used his cunning to gain the admiration of the Rogues. Sram also has his own divine dimension, Srambad, in which his offspring, the assassin Gein and the Queen of Thieves, are rampant.

Passive Ability

When Sram is hit, he becomes invisible for 3 sec, once every 20 seconds.
In addition, his Basic Attacks steal 1 Gold from the enemy.

Primary Abilities

Sneaky Trap
Sram sets a trap (3 Max). Its trigger zone is in the center of the trap and small, but its area of effect is quite large. Enemies in the area of effect charge damage up to + 100% over time. If an enemy walks and triggers it, the entire area does damage. Enemies in the center are silenced for 1.5 seconds. Only one enemy or the double can trigger a trap. Invisible to ennemies.
Sram rushes into a position in the direction used like Rama. He becomes invisible at the start of the rush, but becomes motionless; He creates a double in his starting position, which he controls with the same characteristics as him for 5 seconds (HP, speed moove, etc.)
The double has two spells.
- Shenanigans: He can exchange his place with Sram, The double dies.
- Misunderstanding: The double explodes and deals damage. The double dies.
The double can be used to trigger the traps. If Sram suffers damage, the double dies instantly and the player regains control of the god.
Sram throws a bag of gold that taunts enemies for 1.75 seconds. At 2 seconds (including the taunt), this bag explodes, inflicting damage and poison for 5 seconds: As soon as an enemy uses a spell, he loses some life.

Ultimate Abilities

Sram knocks down a dark vortex in an area with very close range. The spell can critically hit to be even more devastating. Each trap triggered reduces the cooldown of the ultimate by 6 seconds, and adds 3% / 6% / 9% bonus final damage if 1 / 2 / 3 traps was activated before ( 3max.)


A deceitful god.

Sram is a god who could not be more deceitful to play. In the line of Loki, and Morrigan although a little more complex in its mechanics.

The invisibility of sram is more restrictive, it only applies after receiving damage, or immobilizes the god like Serqet.

He seems better at fleeing than at fighting. Sram likes to provoke frustration and confusion in the enemy. Its controllable double is also an excellent illusion.

A gameplay based on land management.

Failing to be resistant and powerful in melee; Sram prefers to mine the ground, and watch the spectacle in the distance. His scam spell and his double can influence enemy behavior, even draw them into its trap.

The scam also allows you to apply a poison each time the enemy uses a spell, enough to attack Sram.

His ultimate is the reverse of his spell kit, totally offensive and devastating. On the other hand, Sram being very weak, it will be difficult to place this spell without taking hits. In addition, this spell does no control, just a lot of damage.

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