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Suijin by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Oct 21, 2022
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The Shinto god of water

Is the god of water, guardian of fisherman, the patron saint of fertility, motherhood, and childbirth.

Passive Ability

The stone in the spring
Each enemy god has a permanent mark(mark of the stone) on them. This mark has a radius around that god. If two enemy gods are close enough to be in that range the mark is deactivated but still stays on that god. If the mark is active then Suijin does 15% bonus physical dmg to that enemy.

Primary Abilities

Well spring of water
Selects an enemy and in an area around that enemy water erupts upwards dmging and knocking up enemy gods. If the enemy selected has mark of the stone active the the radius of the eruption is larger. If the enemy has the mark of the stone deactivated then it has its normal radius.
Water wheel
Upon casting creates a horizontal wheel of water around himself. This lasts for 5 sec. The wheel spins dealing dmg constantly and has its own health bar. If the health bar is depleted the wheel may disappear early. Once the wheel has either been killed or time is up it explodes dealing dmg based on missing hp plus a portion of the dmg it took. Once this ability is over causes next 3 BAs to cleave, deal more dmg, and gain attack speed.
Drowning strike
Selects an area and upon casting deals 5% of his max hp to himself and becomes untargetable and turns into a puddle of water on the ground. Then dashes towards the selected area. Upon arriving turns back into his original form and causes an explosion of water dmging and rooting all enemies hit.

Ultimate Abilities

Torrential waterfall
Selects an area and leaps to it. Once above the area creates a waterfall and crashes down with it. Any enemy hit is dealt dmg based on their missing hp and if the enemy hit is under 20% hp they are executed. If an enemy is executed this ability can be used again for another 10 sec before going on cooldown. Executing an enemy resets all his cooldowns to 1.5 sec unless they are lower then that. Passive does not affect this ability. This ability allows multiple water wheels to be active at once.

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