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Surtr by ZingZang1235

2 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 25, 2022
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The swarthy one

A fire giant that is destined to kill Freyr in ragnarok and cover the world in flames upon dieing. Has a giant flaming sword.

Passive Ability

Giant burns
Whenever Surtr burns an enemy 10% of all burn dmg is given to Surtr as permanent max hp and heals allies around him over time. This also grants him bonus prots and allies bonus power while the healing lasts. Can stack up to a cap.

Primary Abilities

Magma rupture
In a line forward surtr sends forth lava. If this hits an enemy they are dmged and knocked up. The lava remains on the ground for 3 sec and deals dmg to enemies over time and slows them. Allies and surtr gain movement speed on the lava as long as it's there.
Meteor rain
Surtr makes 5 fire balls appear and every sec one is fired towards an area in front of him and will follow even when fire ball is moving. If an enemy is hit by a meteor they are slowed, burned, and dealt DMG. If hit by 3 they are stunned, burn deals increased DMG, and dealt increased DMG when it lands.
Ring of fire
Surtr places a ring of fire around an enemy which slows and burns enemies in the ring and whoever the ring is on. Lasts 5 sec. Once the 5 sec is over the ring is sucked in towards the god it was placed on dealing DMG and stuns them healing surtr for 50% of all burn dmg dealt. Surtr can extend the rings duration on an enemy if he uses a BA on them. This effect can also be prolonged by allies as well. This can also be placed on allies. When this happens they gain a shield, gain movement speed, and the ring heals them over time.enemies in it still take dmg over time and are slowed. Once 3 sec have passed the fire collapses inwards and heals the Ally it's on for 50% of all burn dmg it dealt and healing it did to the Ally it's on. Keeps the movement speed boost for 1.5 sec afterwards.

Ultimate Abilities

Muspellheim giant
Surtr grows in size which doubles his current health and stuns and burns enemies close enough when he grows. The ground around him also becomes scorched burning and slowing enemies. Surtr has 3 casts of his BAs. Each deals increased DMG after the next including burn. BAs now cover a large area and also create scorched ground. Walking forward destroys the ground and trembles enemies near him. Transformation lasts 7 sec.

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