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surtr by excaliverr

1 Votes


By: excaliverr
Last Updated: Jan 25, 2022
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the fire of the underworld

God Description

Passive Ability

Burning touch
Ability type: Passive.
Affects: Enemies.

Surtr's body is extremely hot, every enemy that is in contact with him is immediately burned.

When Surtr receives damage from enemies within melee range he applies burn to them. burn deal damage each second for a total of 4 seconds with max of 8 burn stacks. Surtr's auto-attacks also apply burn.

Damage per tick: 5 + 1 per level (+3% of your physical damage).

Primary Abilities

devouring fire
Ability type: Instant.
Affects: Self, enemies.

Surtr devour the fire inside his enemies, dealing damage and healing himself.

At cast Surtr devours all burn stacks from his enemies, dealing a percentage of the full burn stack's damage as true damage. Surtr also converts a percentage of the full burn stack's damage to healing.

True damage percentage: 25%/30%/35%/45%/60%.
Healing percentage: 30%/40%/50%/60%/70%.
burning sword
Ability type: Stim.
Affects: Self.

Surtr summons his burning sword, increasing his damage and burning through the armor of his enemies.

When Surtr's burning sword is summoned a fire wave comes out of it dealing damage and applying 2 burn stacks to all enemies in the area. Also, Surtr's auto-attacks are empowered for the next 3 seconds dealing more damage, applying 2 burn stacks instead of only one and shredding armor for 3 seconds.

Damage: 60/90/120/250/170 (+40% of your physical damage).
Damage radius: 25.
Auto-attack damage increase: 5%/10%/15%/20%/30%.
Auto-attack shredded (per hit): 3%/5%/7%/10%/15%.
Max armor shredded: 10%/20%/25%/35%/40%.
volcanic eruption
Ability type: Ground target.
Affects: Enemies.

Surtr calls a burst of fire from Muspelheim knocking up all enemies burning and dealing damage to them.

Surtr calls fire from the underworld Muspelheim. The fire burst out of the ground target which causes enemies to burn, taking damage and then after 0.8 seconds they get knocked up to the air. This ability also applies 3 burn stacks.

Damage: 70/115/160/205/250 (+60% of your physical power).
Knock up duration: 0.25s/0.5s/0.75s/1s/1.25s.
Range: 55 units.
Radius: 15 units.

Ultimate Abilities

Ability type: Area.
Affects: Enemies.

Surtr summons fire from muspelheim, creating a fire storm around him. The storm burns enemies until it explodes dealing huge damage to all enemies in the area and healing Surtr. If Surtr dies during the firestorm, the storm explodes Immediately and resuscitates Surtr with some health.

Surtr creates a storm of fire around him, cleanseing himself from all CC. The storm lasts for 5 seconds increasing its size each second. The firestorm deals tick damage each 0.5 seconds until the firestorm exploads, when the storm exploads it the explosion deals massive damage in the storm radius. The storm also heals Surtr for a precentage of his missing HP.
If Surtr dies during this firestorm the fire storm exploads immediatly and Surtr is resuscitated with 30% of his max HP (+25% of the explosion damage).

Tick damage: 10/20/30/40/50 (+10% of your physical power).
Explosion damage: 100/220/340/460/580 (+60% of your physical power).
radius: 10-30 units.
Explosion heal: 25%/35%/45%/55%/65% of your missing HP


This concept eis not finished yet, the abilities are done but the overall lore and other additions are in the works.
This is not my art I took this pictures from google. I am not part of the balance team so some of this abilities might be very strong or weak.

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