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Surtr by Gustav_GOD

1 Votes


By: Gustav_GOD
Last Updated: Nov 27, 2022
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Bringer of Ragnorok

A very powerful jotun (giant) and chief of Muspellheim, described in the Eddas as wielding a flaming (or shining) sword and as battling the gods and killing Freyr during Ragnarok. His coutnless hours honing his twilight blade has lead to near perfection, but the gods battleground has given him attention so surtr puts aside his hobby for a while

Passive Ability

Flames of Musphelheim
Surtr is constantly consumed in the flames of Mushpelheim burning anything close to him. Each time an enemy gets within 30 units of Surtr they get burned dealing 20 points of damage every 2 seconds. to any enemies in range. This effect will also boost with every god entering in range to stack stacking up to five times meaning it can deal up to 100 damage every 2 seconds.
Primordial Being
Surtr is so powerful that all crowd control except slows can only affect him for 0.5 seconds.He is totally immune to slows. However, after Surtr becomes weakened taking a nerf to his health and protections for 2 seconds. This passive ability can also only activate once every 40 seconds.

Health reduced 5%
Protections reduced 10%

Primary Abilities

Swing of The Twilight Blade.
Surtr swings his sword in a 180-degree cone dealing damage and setting enemies on fire. After the fire is gone the enemy is rooted for a duration. After he swings his blade he has the option to jump up in the air similar to Odin's first ability. When he lands he kncoks all enemies up in the air for 2 seconds. Enemies in the air cannot be attacked until they land.

Cone damage 100/150/175/250/300 + 60% of physical power.

Jump damage 50/75/100/150/200 + 80% of physical power

cooldown 6 seconds.

Mana cost 120/140/150/200/300
Rage of The Eldjötnar
Surtr sends out 4 fire giants otherwise known as the Eldjötnar. The Eldjötnar are similar in size to the clay soldiers that nu wa makes. Surtr summons them from a portal in the ground which takes 5 seconds before they are sent out. They stay with Surtr until slain. They automatically guard Surtr against any enemies which include gods, minions, and jungle monsters. Surtr can use the ability again to single target any enemy as well they will leave Surtr until the enemy is dead or they die. They automatically die when Surtr is defeated. If surtr aims at the Eldjötnar themselves they self-destruct, useful if there is only one left.

Eldjötnar health 200/250/300/400 + 20% of physical power

Eldjötnar damage 50/75/100/150 + 40% physical power

cooldown 25 seconds.

Mana cost 200/250/275/300/450
Primordial Flame
Surtr spews primordial fire from his mouth dealing damage every .25 seconds for 3 seconds and applying numerous debuffs. The first debuff is called primordial sunder. This takes effect after the primordial flame is done damaging an enemy If an enemy is damaged while being affected by primordial sunder detonate dealing AoE damage to all enemies within 20 units. The second debuff is called searing skin. This also takes effect after Surtr stops damaging an enemy with his primordial flame. Searing skin deals damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds Surtr cannot activate primordial sunder his flame instead he has to use one of his other abilities.

Primordial Flame damage 20/40/60/100/125 + 70% of physical power.

Primordial Sunder explosion 60/70/85/125/175 + 40% of physical power.

Searing skin damage 40 + 25% of physical power.

cooldown 8 seconds

Mana cost 100/125/175/200/250

Ultimate Abilities

World Sunder.
Surtr only gains this ability at level 20.He has to deal 1000 total damage before activating and can only activate this ability at 10% hp. Essentially near death. He then charges up for 8 seconds preparing to douse the world in flames. If Surtr manages to activate this ability while charging he is immune to all damage. This attack also applies the two debuffs from primordial flame and affects an area similar in size to Oluruns ultimate only spherical instead of rectangular. Allies in the explosions receive a new buff called the blessing of Musphelheim which grants attack speed and power to that hit and it lasts for 25 seconds. This attack will kill Surtr and it can only be used once. This attack also makes his respawn cooldown double.

Explosion damage 900 + 200% of your physical power

Primordial sunder explosion 250

Searing skin 100 + 25% of physical power.

Attack speed buff 150%
Attack power (Both magical and physical) buff 25%
Effect of Ragnorok
Surtr leaps into the air and plunges his sword into the earth causing an area of damage. The area of effect is slightly large than Odin's lunge. If he hits multiple targets they are tossed up in the air for 3 seconds and when they land they are affected by the searing skin debuff for 25 seconds

Explosion Damage 100/150/250/300/450 + 80% of physical damage.

Cooldown 35 seconds

Mana cost 100/200/300/350/400

Searking skin dmage 5/10/15/20 + 25% of physical power

Voice lines.

Start of the match.

"I am SURTR! The birnger of ragnorok."

"I will end you all here even if I shall die ill take you down with me!"

"You divines and your falter to see my power."

"You will all either die by my hand or the world turns to dust..."

"I'll destroy those who oppose me, even you so-called allies of mine..."

Killed Ymir
"And to think there we some who called us equals, how pathetic."
"Brother while you were destined to create it was my destiny to destroy unfortunately before creation comes destruction."

Killed Thor
"Rest Odinson. The rest of the Aesir will join you shortly."
"You cannot fight destiny odinson!"

Killed Freya
"Just like your brother...turned to ashes."
"Your brother was far less of a challenge than you were.

Killed Odin.
"Despite your preparation, you still managed to fall short."
"This was for my brother, even if he was inferrior."

Killed Zeus
"The ruler of Greece... I shall bring Ragnarok to all pantheons!"
"They compared you to Odin? I'm insulted."

Pros and Cons

Good all-rounder great for team fights and one on ones
Very powerful end game and early game.
High damage

Slow attack speed
Low mana


Hp 500 +125 per level

Mana 100 +55 per level

I'm just doing health and mana for now.

Level 20

Hp 2875

Mana 1145

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