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Svarog by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 19, 2022
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Heavens speaker

The god of the sun. Is very old and sits in a giant chair all day. That's it.

Passive Ability

Metal working
All stats svarog gains from items is increased by 2% + level. This effect can be given to nearby allies for 5 sec. Has. 10 sec cooldown on allies.

Primary Abilities

Forge hammer
Passive: when this ability is on cooldown gain attack speed. Active: upon casting empowers his next BA and gains movement speed. Lasts for 3 sec before going on cooldown. Next BA deals bonus dmg, slows, and hits an area in front of svarog. This area is set on fire dealing dmg over time.
Anvil slam
Leaps forward and upon doing so extends his hammers handle. When svarog lands it's deals dmg and burns enemies hit. For 3 sec afterward his BAs are empowered to have bonus range, dmg, cleave enemies, and extend the duration of burn on enemies hit by 1 sec. Has 59% reduced attack speed.
Broken tools
Throws his hammer forward and it does different things based on the handles length. Base hammer travels forward in a line and underneath it creates a path of burnt ground. This slows enemies and shreds 20% of their protections. If the hammer hits an enemy they are burned and it breaks dealing dmg and stuns the first enemy hit. Extended hammer travels forward on an arc and crashes down on an area. When it lands it deals dmg and knocks up enemies hit. Both hammers shred 15% of enemies protections when an enemy is hit by them. This effect lasts 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Blazing sword rain
Becomes cc immune and then flies into the sky and sits on his chair. Then for the next 5 sec his BAs now send down fire and weapons down at an area of his choosing. Can move the area but is very slow. The weapons shred 2% of enemies protections for each one and fire slows enemies. After 5 sec can choose to land at an area dealing dmg and knocking up enemies hit.

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