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Talos by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 24, 2023
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The bronze colossus

Talos is a giant, bronze robot that was built by Hephaestus and was tasked with guarding an island. It would throw boulders at ships trying to reach it and make waves to wreck their ships. Once Jason and the argonauts tried to reach the island but Talos was there preventing them from doing so. Medea comes up with a plan and they defeat Talos by getting rid of a screw in his ankle that held in the fluids that made Talos work (Like killing someone by making them bleed to death). This prevented Talos from moving and allowed the argonauts to continue on their journey.

Passive Ability

Rusted robot
Whenever Talos is hit by an enemy he gains stacks of rust. This increases his protections and ccr but reduces his movement speed. Has a fall of time of 5 sec. If Talos hits an enemy while he has stacks of rust their protections are reduced and they have reduced healing as well. Fall off time of 3 sec.

Primary Abilities

Boulder bowl
Upon casting rips a rock out of the ground and can hold it in his hands for 3 sec before dropping it. Can't use BAs while holding the boulder. Using a BA will make Talos roll the rock forwards dmging and slowing all enemies hit. The boulder will then act as terrain once it reaches max range or hits an enemy god. If it hits an enemy god stops behind them. The boulder will linger on the ground as terrain for 3 sec before exploding dealing max hp dmg instead and slowing even more. Can recast this ability while holding the rock to instead lob it to an area. When the boulder lands it dmges and knocks up enemies around it. Will still act as terrain the same way.
Burning bronze skin
Upon casting loses all passive stacks, gains movement speed, heats himself up, becomes cc immune to slows and roots, and heals himself and nearby allies based on his passive stacks. Heating himself causes him to take dmg over time, gain empowered BAs, and give off dmging heat waves around himself. Empowered BAs hit faster, in an area around the enemy hit, and burn enemies dealing max hp dmg. Lasts 5 sec.
Bronze grip
Dashes forwards with his hands open. If he hits an enemy god they take dmg and are slammed into the ground becoming stunned. Gains a shield and attack speed if it lands. If ability doesn't land takes .5 sec to stand up and move again. If this ability hits a boulder can pick it up again and refund that abilities cooldown. When the boulder is thrown a second time it breaks immediately and stuns enemies hit.

Ultimate Abilities

Colossal robot
Upon casting becomes cc immune, grows in size, gains max hp, and his abilities change. While enlarged a bolt appears randomly on one of Talos heels. It has its own hp and if it is killed Talos is forced out of his ult, takes dmg equal to how much he gained from ult, and is left stunned for 1 sec. BAs while enlarged alternate between 3 different casts all of which have a wind up time of 1 sec but affect a massive area. First BA makes Talos slam both fists down in a massive circle area. Enemies hit take dmg and are knocked up. Second BA makes Talos swing his arm from one side to the other in a massive arc. Enemies hit take dmg and are knocked back in the direction of the swing. Third and final BA makes Talos kick his foot out dmging and pushing enemies back.

Passive is inactive while in ult. Boulder bowl stays the same while in ult but us enlarged and travels slower. Burning bronze skin changes to a passive ability. Now he constantly gives off waves of heat. Bronze grip instead makes Talos grab with one hand at an area of his choosing and any enemies caught in it are banished as carried up to Talos. This deals dmg. Then Talos has 1.5 sec to select an area and will throw whatever is in his hand to that area. This dmges and slows enemies when they land. Ult lasts 15 sec.

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