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Tamatoa by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 25, 2022
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Treasure hoarder

First, Tamatoa is property of disney. Second Tamatoa is NOT based on anything in Hawaiian mythology and was made up entirely by disney. His name does mean trophy though. If you don't know who Tamatoa is then go watch Moana the movie from Disney.

Passive Ability

Washed up
All dead enemies leave behind a small piece of gold or treasure for Tamatoa to walk over and pick up adding bonus armor based on how much fold was gained. Gold can also be used.

Primary Abilities

Fish basket
Eats fish healing himself and then throws a basket of fish forward in a line. If an enemy is hit they are slowed, take dmg, and shred 15% of that enemies protections. Allies hit by the fish are healed and gain a movement speed boost.
Shinning gold
Tamatoa flashes the treasure on his shell forward blinding and dmging enemies who look at it directly. Enemies who don't look at it directly are slowed instead. After casting tamatoas next BA grants him movement speed and gives Tamatoa gold to himself and a nearby Ally based on how much dmg was dealt. This empowered BA deals dmg based on the enemies max health and Tamatoas max hp.
Pincer claw
Tamatoa reaches out with his giant claw pulls enemies closer to him dealing DMG. Tamatoa has 3 sec to drag enemies in his claw around. Then after 3 sec Tamatoa deals DMG and stuns enemies in his claw then can throw them in a direction of his choosing.

Ultimate Abilities

Seas bounty
Tamatoa becomes cc immune, heals himself as well as nearby allies, shields himself, and water surrounds him teeming with fish. Tamatoa BAs now send out 2 fish and gives him range. The fish deal DMG based on missing hp and heals Tamatoa if they hit an enemy. They also slow by 5%. Swirling water around Tamatoa block projectiles and makes him take 15% reduced DMG from all sources. This lasts 6 sec.

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