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Tang Sanzang by ZingZang1235

1 Votes

Tang Sanzang

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2021
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Tang Sanzang

Buddha of Sandalwood Merit

Tang Sanzang was given a task to bring a set of scriptures back to China in order to help spread buddhism. But along the way he is constantly attacked by demons because of a legend saying they would become immortal if they are his flesh since he is a reincarnated being. So the goddess of mercy guanyin gives him 3 bodyguards/disciples known as Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing. Together they defeat many different demons and eventually success in getting the scriptures and is given the title of Buddha of Sandalwood Merit.

Passive Ability

Enlightened state
After taking dmg from an enemy passively gains a stack of enlightened state and increases passive healing effect by 10% for 3 sec. This has a 30 sec cooldown between the same enemy.

Primary Abilities

Headband spell
In a thin line in front of him Tang Sanzang throws a headband that attaches itself to enemies dealing constant dmg and rooting them for 1.5 sec. This ability continues to travel forward after hitting and enemy and can do this a total of 3 times.
Bead necklace
Throws a large ring forward. This deals constant dmg to enemies and heals allies inside of it constantly as well. This lasts 3 sec and lasts 5 sec and max level. The actual beads of the necklace on the outer edge of the circle deal the most dmg slow enemies hit. Once 3 sec is over the ring returns to Tang Sanzang healing himself and still able to heal and dmg gods on its way back.
Bai Long Ma
Tang Sanzang summons his white dragon horse to run forward in a direction. This ability acts like Sun Wukong a transformation ability. Horse Form: The closer part sends out Bai Long Ma as a horse and dmged and knocks up the first enemy hit. Allies in it's path also gain movement speed. Dragon form: The furthest part of the ability sends Bai Long Ma as a dragon which is faster then the horse and it pierces all enemies hit dealing dmg and slowing all enemies hit. Allies in it's path gain attack speed.

Ultimate Abilities

The Buddhist scriptures
Selects an ally and for 3 sec they are unable to take dmg, are healed rapidly, and gain increased movement and attack speed. While this ability is being cast Tang Sanzang gives off an aura and moves faster himself. This aura heals allies and slows enemies. After the selected allies dmg immunity wears off they give off a shockwave that dmged and slows enemies hit. If Tang Sanzang is killed while this ability is being cast he also becomes dmg immune and doesn't die. Instead he enters a state of pure enlightenment and floats around much faster and heals rapidly. His abilities also have reduced cooldown and heal allies more.cant be cc'd in this form. Lasts 3 sec.

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Mjnhqmt | April 7, 2023 10:40am
Hey bro i really really love this idea, can you post is on Smiteconcept reddit so that more people will know about it, or can i get your permission to post it ( i will put your name and the link of your idea on the post )
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