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Taweret by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: May 20, 2022
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Mistress of pure water

Is the Egyptian goddess of fertility and floods and is depicted as a hippopotamus. Is also associated with motherhood and child birth.

Passive Ability

Nuturing grace
In an area around herself taweret grants allies increased hp5 and all magic dmg dealt to enemies has 5% converted into true dmg.

Primary Abilities

Basking reeds
This ability has 3 charges. Selects an area and upon doing so summons a patch of reeds. The reeds create a field that heals allies over time and slows enemies in it. Reeds last 10 sec. If reeds are summoned near a river or the river is summoned near the reeds the field around the reeds fills with water. This increases the healing allies receive and roots enemies for 1.5 sec. This also deals dmg over time while enemies are near the reeds.
Spraying river
In a line forward taweret summons a river. If enemies are hit by the river they are rooted and take dmg. Also lose magical protections. The river lasts 5 sec. Allies on it gain movement speed and attack speed. Enemies are crippled on the river and take dmg over time. If reeds are summoned near the river it extends the duration of the river.
Swirling dive
Selects an area and for .5 sec channels and gains cc immunity the. For another .5 sec dives under water and travels to selected area. Upon teaching her destination taweret dmges and knocks up enemies hit. For 3-5 sec after based on lvl water swirls around taweret dealing dmg over time and granting her movement speed.

Ultimate Abilities

Gorging mouth
Taweret can select an ally if they are in range. When this happens taweret gains dmg mitigations and 33% movement speed. The selected ally becomes immune to dmg and cc and end up in tawerets mouth. This lasts for 3 sec. Allies can select to be thrown out earlier and are healed based on the amount of dmg mitigated by taweret. Enemies can be selected as well but only if she has dmged then 3 times. When taweret eats an enemy god they take dmg when she eats them and when she spits them back out. Enemies also gain dmg and cc immunity in tawerets mouth but she is slowed by 40%. When enemies are spit back out they take more dmg based on how much dmg taweret mitigated and it's converted into missing hp dmg.

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