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The mayor of Halloween town by ZingZang1235

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The mayor of Halloween town

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Nov 4, 2021
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The mayor of Halloween town

The two faced humanoid

The mayor of Halloween town has two faces one that's always happy and the other that's always scared. The mayor's face changes back and forth depending on his mood. The mayor is short and bottom heavy and wears a very ta too hat. He wears a suit with a spider for his bowtie.

Passive Ability

Mayor's dominance
The first time the mayor dmged an enemy they take 15% max hp dmg based on the enemies max hp and 5% more of it as that enemies missing hp. Has a 10 sec cooldown on the same enemy.

Primary Abilities

Face blast: excited face/paranoid face
The mayor yells into his megaphone Dealing different effects based on which face is out. Excited face bonus: the mayor yells forward burning, dmging, and silencing enemies caught in it. Paranoid face bonus: The mayor yells infront of him stunning, dmging, and lowers the prots of enemies hit.
Personality twist
The mayor spins forward dmging enemies. Excited face bonus: The spin burns and slows enemies for 1.5 sec. Paranoid face bonus: The spin roots enemies hit.
Spider bowtie
The mayor throws his bowtie forward which bounces between allies and enemies. Can bounce up to 6 times. If it hits an Ally it heals them and gives speed boost. Excited face bonus: If the bowtie hits an Ally it gives them bonus physical dmg. If it hits an enemy they are slowed and they take 10% increased dmg from all sources for the next 3 sec. Paranoid face bonus: If the bowtie hits an Ally they gain bonus magical power. If it hits an enemy they are blinded and reduces their prots for 2 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Excited face/paranoid face
The mayor switches between his excited face and his paranoid face on a 3 sec cooldown. After 3 consecutive changes his next BA deals bonus dmg and shields himself and one nearby Ally. Shields based on missing hp.

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