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The phantom of the opera by Sovix

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The phantom of the opera

By: Sovix
Last Updated: May 30, 2024
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The phantom of the opera

The master of terror

On the intricate battle front, where gods and heroes face each other in epic battles, a figure wrapped in mystery and tragedy emerges from the shadows: the Phantom of the Opera. Erik, known as the Ghost, was once a prodigious architect and musician whose disfigured face condemned him to a life of seclusion in the dark passages under the great Paris Opera. Consumed by pain and loneliness, Erik became a feared and respected figure, his presence announced only by the echo of his dark voice and the whisper of his black cape in the dark. Endowed with unparalleled intelligence and supernatural abilities, the Ghost is now on the battlefield of the gods, where his dexterity and cunning turn him into a mortal murderer.

The Phantom of the Opera is a master of deception and surprise, a murderer who transforms the battle into his own shadow theater, where he is always the director and his enemies, mere actors in his tragic work.

Passive Ability

Shadow of the opera
The Ghost moves faster in the dark and gains an increase in its movement speed when it is out of sight of enemies.
In addition, their abilities apply a "Terror" mark on enemies, which reduces their physical defense for each accumulation. Upon reaching 3 accumulations, the enemy is terrified, reducing his speed of movement and attack for a short period.

Movementspeed when out of sight: 10%
Reduction of physical defense due to accumulation of Terror: 2/3/4% per stack
Duration of the complete Terror: 1.5 sec
Movementspeed reduction: 25%
Attackspeed reduction: 25%

Primary Abilities

Ghostly applause
The Ghost throws projectiles in the form of musical notes forward, inflicting damage to enemies in a straight line and applying an accumulation of "Terror". If an enemy receives 3 consecutive notes, it is silenced for 1 second.

Damage per note: 60/120/180/220/280 (+45% physical power)
Number of notes: 4/5/7/8/9
Silence duration: 1 sec

Cooldown: 10 sec
Mana: 60/65/70/75/80
Network of corridors
The Ghost places one portal in its current position and another in a target location within a moderate range. You can use these portals to teleport instantly between the two points, surprising enemies by healing and gaining a bonus in your attack speed and critical probability for a short period after teleportation.

Curation: 25/75/125/175/225
Attackspeed bonus 20/25/30/35/40%
Probability of critical 10/15/20/25/30%
Duration of the Bonus: 3 seconds
Maximum distance to place the exit of the portal: 55 units

Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 sec
Mana: 70
Shadow fleece
The Ghost is wrapped in a layer of shadows, becoming invisible for a short period. While invisible, he earns a bonus on movement speed and can see nearby enemies highlighted. When attacking or using a skill, it breaks invisibility and its first attack inflicts additional damage, applying an accumulation of "Terror", cripple and slow.

Duration of invisibility: 4/4.5/5/5.5/6 seconds
Movementspeed bonus: 15/20/25/30/35%
Additional damage when breaking invisibility: 80/130/180/230/280 (+60% physical power)
Slow: 45%
Slow duration: 2 sec
Cripple duration: 2 sec

Cooldown: 16 sec
Mana: 60/70/80/90/100

Ultimate Abilities

Mask of obsession
The Ghost reveals his terrifying mask, triggering terror in nearby enemies and reducing his physical and magical defense. Affected enemies also take additional damage and are terrified, unable to attack or use abilities for a short period. During the duration of this ability, the Ghost gains a significant increase in its attack speed and ability power.

Area of Effect: 50 feet
Reduction of physical and magical defense: 20/25/30/35/40
Fear duration: 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 sec
Increased attack speed: 30/40/50/60/70%
Increased ability power: 40/60/80/100/120

Cooldown: 90 sec
Mana: 100

True Pantheon

The phantom of the opera would actually belong to a new pantheon focused on world literature, this being the literary pantheon.

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