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The vampire brothers by ZingZang1235

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The vampire brothers

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Nov 2, 2021
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The vampire brothers

Prince, Baron, Lord, and Count

The vampire brothers are all different sizes and shapes and carry umbrellas. They all also have their own social standing as prince, Baron, Lord, and count.

Passive Ability

Royalty's blood
Every ability cast gains bonuses base Don which brother is out and their status
.starts in order as prince, Baron, Lord then count. Every 5 abilities heals the brothers 15% of dmg dealt.

Primary Abilities

Lifeforce drain
The brothers pull and dmg in a line. Enemies in this line are slowed and take constant dmg. This ability costs 5% of the brothers hp. Prince bonus: deals 25% more dmg. Baron bonus: Deals 15% more dmg and slow is increased by 15%. Lord bonus: dmg is normal and slow is increased by 25%. Increases passive heal by 10%. Count bonus: Count deals 10% less dmg, ho cost is reduced to 3% max hp, and slow is increased by 50%.
Blood surge
The brothers select an area to drain blood out of nearby enemies dealing dmg. Based on how many enemies are hit this ability deals more dmg. They draw the blood into a circle healing the brothers per enemy hit. Then after .5 sec the blood surges outward dealing dmg and applying effects to enemies in 3 different rings. In the center of the circle it knocks up enemies. The next ring knocks back enemies hit and the outermost ring roots enemies. Prince bonus:center ring deals 20% more dmg and knock up lasts .5 sec longer. Baron bonus: Second ring deals 20% increased dmg and knock enemies back further. Lord bonus: Outermost ring deals 20% more increased dmg and root lasts 1 sec longer. Count bonus: lifesteal 15% of a dmg dealt from ability.
Bat screech
The brothers turn into a bat
BAs now are sound blasts that deal dmg based off of 15% of their max power. Bat form lasts 7 sec. Prince bonus: BA sound blasts back to the brothers. If hit by the bounce back gains movement speed and lifesteal with next BA. Can stack up to 7 times. Baron bonus: Baron deals 15% of BA dmg as true dmg and sound blasts branch off into 3. If an enemy is attacked from behind they take 10 reduced dmg. Lord bonus: BAs can now affect multiple enemies and are larger. Deals 20% more dmg. Has 15% less attack speed but 20% more movement speed. Count bonus: Every BA sends out 3 blasts in a row. Each blast slows enemies by 5% and can stack up to 7 times. BAs also reduce enemies protections by 5% with every BA. Max 7 as well.

Ultimate Abilities

Coffin swarm
The brothers become cc immune for the next 2 sec. They then bring out their coffin and enter it. Doing this makes the untargetable and unable to take dmg for 1.5 sec. They then gain a movement speed buff while ult persists and fly around inside their coffin. While entering the coffin can't move. When allowed from move the coffin opens and in a large cone in front of it it lets out swarms of bats dealing constant dmg and for each bat hitting an enemy heals themselves for 3% of the dmg. This cone lasts 5 sec. Can take dmg now but is reduced by 25%. Prince bonus: Moves 10% faster and adds 15% more dmg reduction. Baron bonus: Lifesteal is increased to 6% and slows enemies in cone by 20%. Lord bonus: Cone is larger and lasts 1.5 sec longer. Count bonus: More bats and tick dmg is faster.

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