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The Wendigo by Stuke99

4 Votes

The Wendigo

By: Stuke99
Last Updated: Nov 6, 2021
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The Wendigo

The Cannibal Spirit

Humanity is fragile and susceptible to nature as well as the supernatural. When the weather gets colder and food becomes more scarce, it's the time where people need to stick together and help each other out or succumb to the elements. Those who don't work together with the community, either pass from starvation or take even darker means to survive. One of these is the greatest sin of them all, cannibalism, eating human flesh. Once this sin is committed, the spirit of The Wendigo claims a new host. The cannibal loses all traces of humanity and transforms into the wicked spirit, stalking the wilderness watching and waiting for anyone unfortunate to venture away and make themselves pray for The Wendigo.
While the gods fight their war, the mortals who put their trust in the gods are suffering the consequences. One soldier, delirious and desperate from starvation, decided he had to do what he must by murdering and eating one of his comrades. This sin against nature awakened the spirit of The Wendigo and has now unleashed this dangerous predator with an insatiable appetite onto the Battlefield.

Passive Ability

Predator Instincts

When an enemy god is below 45% of their maximum health, The Wendigo gets a stack that provides a 3% increase to movement speed and attack speed for each enemy god below the threshold. When an enemy god is below 35% of their maximum health, The Wendigo gains vision of that target.

Primary Abilities

Haunting Howl

The Wendigo lets out a shriek in a radius around it, dealing damage and reducing the damage of all enemies. Any enemy god caught in the inner-most radius becomes feared.

    Ability Type: Area
    Damage: 70/115/160/205/250 (+80% of your Physical Power)
    Damage Reduction: 3/6/9/12/15%
    Damage Reduction Duration: 3s
    Fear Duration: .5s
    Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10
    Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana
    Radius: 15 units
    Inner Radius: 5 units
Icy Talons

Upon activation, The Wendigo's next successful basic attack will deal additional damage and slow the target that it hits.

    Ability Type: Buff
    Duration: 5s
    Damage: 50/90/130/170/210 (+100% of your Physical Power)
    Slow: 10%
    Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 seconds
    Cost: 40 mana

The Wendigo leaps on an enemy within melee range, damaging and silencing the target while healing itself in the process. Right-clicking or being disabled (stun, fear, or silence) will knock The Wendigo off.

    Ability Type: Single Target
    Damage per Tick: 25/30/35/40/45 (+30% of your physical power)
    Healing per Tick: 20/30/40/50/60 (+15% of your physical power)
    Duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5/3s
    Cooldown: 15s
    Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana

Ultimate Abilities

Feral Pounce

Upon activation, The Wendigo crouches down and has reduced movement speed while in this posture. When this ability is activated again, The Wendigo leaps through the air and stops on the first enemy god hit. Once connected with an enemy god, the target is stunned while The Wendigo slashes at them three times. When the final slash hits the target, they are given a debuff called "Hemorrhaging". Enemies while Hemorrhaging lose 5% of the maximum health every time they move.
Canceling this ability before leaping will not trigger its Cooldown.

    Ability Type: Leap
    Damage (1st and 2nd Hit): 50/90/130/170/210 (+100% of your Physical Power)
    Damage (Final Hit): 60/100/140/180/220 (+100% of your Physical Power)
    Hemorrhaging Duration: 5s
    Movement Speed Penalty: 50%
    Cooldown: 130s
    Cost: 100 mana
    Leap Range: 120 units

Other Abilities



    Health: 475 (+75)
    Mana: 220 (+40)
    Speed: 350 (0)
    Range: 12 (0)
    Attack/Sec: 1 (1.7%)

Basic Attack

    Damage: 40 (+ 2.3)
    + 100% of Physical Power
    Progression: None


    Physical: 14 (+2.5)
    Magical: 30 (+0.9)


    HP5: 8 (+0.68)
    MP5: 4.2 (+0.40)
*Numbers in parentheses are the amount gained at each level

Who is The Wendigo?

The Wendigo is an evil spirit of Algonquin folklore around The Great Lakes and the Northeast parts of North America. The Wendigo symbolizes and personifies winter, ravenous hunger, and the selfishness of man. How one becomes a Wendigo depends on which tribe you ask but one universally accepted way is through cannibalism, the act of eating human flesh.

Once a person becomes a Wendigo, they lose all trace of humanity and become a monster that will hunt and eat all living things to satisfy its neverending hunger, with a particular interest in eating humans.

My Vision

In traditional depictions, a Wendigo is often characterized as a large humanoid with an emaciated appearance, elongated limbs, sharp claws, needle-like teeth, and erasure of all humanistic traits (skin color, gender, etc.). In more modern depictions, it's characterized with more animalistic traits like the head being the skull of a stag, to a more beast-like appearance like a yeti.

Core Themes

  • Theme – Stalker – The Wendigo hunts its prey, silently lying and waiting for the weakest link to be separated from the pack before having its fill with the enemy team.
  • Visuals – Ferocius – A Wendigo is not of this world. An evil spirit that possesses and changes a human who would resort to cannibalism into the monster that people are familiar with. Blending some vague remnants of humanity overpowered by the distorted and unnatural form of a Wendigo.
  • Personality – Feral – Forgoing all humanity, The Wendigo acts only on instinct and hunger alone. Nothing else matters except for what, or who, The Wendigo will feast on next.
  • Perspective – Apex Predator – The Gods see The Wendigo as a dangerous animal on the loose, killing and eating everything in its path. Some have taken to tracking down and hunting the creature, while others scramble to protect themselves in cases they're the ones being hunted.

Artistic Process

Since there are two wildly different depictions of The Wendigo, one traditional and one more modern, I blended the two by having the Emaciated humanoid creature of tradition with the stag skull it wears as a call back to more beast-like iterations. I've also wanted to add some owl feathers into the design as in some Algonquin dialect, like Cree, Wendigo can translate as either cannibal or owl.


The Wendigo is a Jungler. Its predator-inspired playstyle focuses entirely on stalking the Jungle and hunting down its prey, and once located either go in for the kill or chase the prey until they can't run anymore. Utilizing its increased movement speed to give chase for would-be escaping prey, The Wendigo can use its abilities to slow down its target, reduce incoming damage, offer a bit of control, and bite at its victims to gain some sustain while on the hunt.
The Wendigo will focus on items that help with its burst and in-hand damage. Items like Jotunn's Wrath, Hydra's Lament, and The Crusher would be core items to consider when building The Wendigo.

Unique Gameplay Features

  • The least vocal of the gods, in voice-lines as well as in-game, choosing to keep noise to a minimum until it's time to strike its prey. The ultimate will give a distinct audio queue when ready to pounce and a very audible scream when leaping through the air.
  • Can achieve the fastest base movement speed of all the gods.
  • A debuff that punishes a target for panicking and moving around too much.

Voice Lines

While I don't have an actor in mind, I do have an idea of how The Wendigo should be portrayed. The Wendigo is a spirit that possesses a human so I'm thinking a distorted and aggressive voice laid over a weak normal human voice to symbolize the spirit that took over and is in full control.
The Wendigo is a simple creature of instinct and the voice lines should reflect that. Short, to the point, and emotionless as possible but it is noted in Wendigo lore that they can mimic a person's voice to lure and ambush its unwary victim.


  • Character Selector: "Food."
  • Introduction: “I'm so hungry.”
  • Death: "*roar*"


Emotes (VE)

  • A – "Tasty."
  • F – "Good hunting."
  • W – *Howl*

H – Help

  • H – "Help me!" (This will have a more human-like voice)
  • S – "Need healing." (This will have a more human-like voice)


  • When in a Killstreak
    • "I'm still hungry."
    • "I need more."
  • When killing a Jungle Boss
    • "Pitiful creature."
    • "It's not enough."


  • "Nothing but food."
  • "I can sense you."
  • "This is my territory."

Direct Taunts

  • "You a Wendigo too?" (Bakasura)
  • "Foolish hunter." (Artemis)
  • "Can't outrun me." (Mercury)


  • *growl*

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Stuke99 (56) | November 1, 2021 7:38pm
Concept art has been posted.
Stuke99 (56) | November 5, 2021 7:18am
Voice lines and more info has been added.
Stuke99 (56) | November 5, 2021 10:14pm
Ability Icons has been posted.
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CthulhuMan | October 28, 2021 12:15pm
I love it, such a great concept.
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