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Tie Shan gongzhu by ZingZang1235

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Tie Shan gongzhu

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: May 12, 2022
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Tie Shan gongzhu

Princess iron fan

Is the wife of the bull demon king and mother of red boy. Has a giant banana leaf fan that can create giant whirlwinds. Once Sun Wukong needed her fan to put out the flames on a mountain in order to cross them. He asked princess iron fan but she refused. Sun Wukong then left only to come back again disguised as Bull demon king and got the fan. When the real bull demon king returned he was furious and turned into pigsy and got the fan back. Then soldiers sent by the Jade emperor subdued the bull demon king and princess iron fan.

Passive Ability

Ability's Name

Primary Abilities

Fan slam
In a long rectangle forward princess iron fan begins charging for max 5 sec. Over time the rectangle increases forwards. Can recast early to slam the fan down. This dmges enemies hit and slows them if recast before 2.5 sec. If recast after 2.5 sec the fan deals increased dmg and pushes enemies back then slowing them. Allies hit by the wind produced by the fan are healed and gain movement speed. This heals herself based on charge time.
Extinguishing orbs
Can select herself or an ally. Upon doing so grants them 3 orbs of wind that circle the god. If an enemy is hit by the orbs they take dmg and make the orbs spin faster for 2 sec before the orbs explode dmging enemies. This grants the selected allied god a shield per orb and can stack. When the orbs spin faster can still hit enemies again. If the allies god uses BAs instead the orbs will fly at the enemy hit dealing bonus magic dmg and reducing the dmg they do by 5% for 3 sec. This effect can stack per orb. If an orb hits an enemy this way the allies god still gains a shield. If this ability is cast on an ally any dot effect they have on them ends early but deals 25% of it's dmg left instantly. If she casts this on herself gains these bonuses as well as gaining a small shield automatically upon casting. Gains attack speed while ability persists.
Fan sweep
In a line forward princess iron fan dashes and spins her fan at the same time. Every spin dmges enemies. If an enemy is hit 3 times by the fan the fourth time they are dmged more and thrown in the direction of the dash.

Ultimate Abilities

Monsoons Last Breathe
Upon casting becomes stationary and in a large area around herself pulls enemies towards her dealing dmg. Allies inside are healed over time including herself. Lasts 5 sec. If enemies reach the center they take bonus dmg that ignores 50% of the enemies protections. Are knocked up if enemies reach the center as well. Can be cast while ability 3 is being used and can move. Can not cast any abilities while ultimate ability is casting.

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