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Trov by Dphiljoe

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By: Dphiljoe
Last Updated: Oct 25, 2023
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God strife and envy

Trov, the God of Strife and Envy, hails from the Voodoo universe and wields the power of chaos and manipulation. He is a cunning and unpredictable guardian who revels in sowing discord among his enemies. With a ranged magical damage style, Trov's abilities are designed to disrupt and weaken his opponents, leaving them vulnerable to his team's advances.

Passive Ability

Curse of Bane
Trov's presence is unnerving, and his curse haunts the minds of nearby enemies. Whenever an enemy god is struck by Trov's abilities, they are afflicted with the Curse of Bane. The curse instills in them an uncontrollable urge for chaos and discord, increasing their cooldowns by 20%. If an enemy god with the Curse of Bane is killed, they explode in a burst of chaotic energy, dealing magical damage to nearby enemies.

Primary Abilities

Envious Whispers
Trov sends forth a whisper of envy, targeting an enemy god. This ability deals magical damage and causes the affected enemy god's next ability to backfire, damaging and silencing them for a short duration.
Mischief's Veil
Trov cloaks himself in a veil of mischief, becoming invisible and immune to damage for a brief period. While invisible, he can reposition and reappear, dealing magical damage to nearby enemies when he does. This ability is perfect for surprise attacks and evading enemies.
Strife's Grasp
Trov reaches out with his spectral hand, immobilizing and silencing a single enemy god for a short duration. The afflicted god is unable to use abilities or move, becoming an easy target for Trov's allies.

Ultimate Abilities

Chaotic Infusion
Trov unleashes the full force of his chaos manipulation, creating an area of discord and disruption on the battlefield. In this area, enemy gods are afflicted with the Curse of Bane, causing their abilities to misfire, dealing damage to themselves or their allies. Trov and his allies within the area are immune to the negative effects of the curse, allowing them to wreak havoc and turn the tide of battle in their favor.

Trov on the Battleground of the Gods

Trov's unique abilities make him a formidable and cunning guardian in the world of Smite, capable of creating chaos and confusion among his enemies while protecting his allies.

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