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Utgard loki by ZingZang1235

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Utgard loki

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 25, 2022
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Utgard loki

Loki of the outyards

A giant that thor and loki met once who was a master at magic and illusions and tricked them both into facing impossible feats.

Passive Ability

Magical presence
Enemies near Utgard Loki have their protections decreases by 5% and allies have theirs increased by 5%. If Utgard Loki reaches 33% hp he turns invis for 1.5 sec and a clone appears that can use BAs but not abilities. Allies are able to tell the difference but not enemies. The clone will die after all of it's hp is gone or after 15 sec. Can direct the clone by attacking enemies.

Primary Abilities

Logi, Hugo, and Elli
This ability has 3 different casts in order of Logi, Hugo, and then Elli.
First cast is Logi. Upon casting Utgard Loki summons a table filled with meat and enemies near it are charmed towards the table. Then 1 sec afterward Logi surges forward on the table eating it healing Utgard Loki and nearby allies. If an enemy is hit by Logi eating the table they are dmged and burned. The burn shreds 3% of enemies protections every sec.
Hugo is the second cast. When cast Hugo races forward in a line stunning and dmging all enemies hit. Allies hit by Hugo gain a shield for 3 sec.
Elli is the third and final cast. When cast Utgard Loki empowers his next BA to throw Elli forward. If she lands on an enemy she wrestles them down to the ground dealing dmg multiple times and rooting them. Allies near Elli gain attack speed and increases Utgard Looks passive to 5%.
Drinking horn
When cast Utgard drinks from a horn that is connected to the sea healing himself and increasing his prots by 15% for 3 sec. Also gains movement speed while this persists. While he drinks in a cone forward he also blows the horn dealing dmg over time and trembling enemies in it.
Illusion veil
In a line horizontal to Utgard Loki he summons an invisible wall. This wall is only invisible to enemies but allies can see it. Enemies can not see enemy gods behind this wall and if they walk through the wall they are slowed, take dmg, and have hallucinations blurring their sight. If an Ally uses a ranged attack through the wall it gains increased range and the wall starts to disappear in 3 sec. If an Ally walks through the wall they gain movement speed, attack speed, and are unable to be stunned, slowed, blinded, knocked back, and knocked up for the next 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Disappearing castle
In a large area of his choosing Utgard Loki summons his castle and enemies near it are dmged and stunned. Then the castle makes ranged abilities curve towards it and blur the terrain around it to be not how it actually is. If a ranged ability hits the castle it is reflected back at the enemy who casted that ability and deals 50% of it's dmg. When this happens Utgard Loki is able to move the castle to stun and dmg enemies again for 50% of it's dmg and he gains bonus power. This also extends the duration of the castle.

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