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Vali by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Oct 15, 2024
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The Berserk Prince

God Description

Passive Ability

Fury of the berserker
Whenever Vali falls below 40% of his max hp he becomes enraged gaining attack speed, lifesteal, and movement speed for 5 sec. Has a 90 sec cooldown.

Primary Abilities

Upon casting Vali empowers himself with the rage of a bear gaining movement speed for the first 3 sec after casting. Valis next BA against an enemy stuns the enemy hit and marks them for 3 sec causing them to deal less dmg.

After casting Valis passive changes. Valis next BA will always stun and mark enemies hit but has a 6 sec cooldown per target before it stuns again.
Upon casting Vali empowers himself with the rage of a wolf empowering his next BA to bite in a cone able to dmg and slow multiple enemies. This applies a mark to enemies hit for 3 sec. Every BA against a marked enemy grants a stacking bleed. This bleed does more dmg the lower the enemies hp is and slows when they are below 40% max hp.

After casting Valis passive changes. Every third BA causes Vali to spin dealing dmg to enemies in an area around himself. This deals increased dmg and ignores enemy protections.
Upon casting Vali empowers himself with the rage of a boar dmging and knocking up all enemies near him and gains a shield based on missing hp for the next 5 sec.

After casting Valis passive changes. Every third BA grants Vali a shield and deals bonus max hp dmg.(Shield and max hp dmg scale with int).

Ultimate Abilities

Blind Rage
Upon casting Vali enters a blind rage gaining attack speed, movement speed, cc immunity, and increased lifesteal. While in this state Vali cannot distinguish between allies and enemies as all gods are replaced with animals in his vision. BAs of gods only copy range. Abilities keep same appearance. This also means Vali can hit allied gods during this time. Every successful BA against an god extends this abilities duration. Lasts 5 sec.

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