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Vayu by BroPo

1 Votes


By: BroPo
Last Updated: Jul 17, 2020
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Lord of the winds

Call the winds down on your foes and protect your allies. Fly high in the air to rain down punishment

Controlling the winds is a surefire way to control the battlefield.

This is known to Vayu, lord of the winds. He who rides on the gazelle, signifying his swiftness.

Vayu is a strong and proud deity, who rules from the clouds in order to ensure the winds blow to keep his subordinates alive. Vayu has played important roles throughout history. Vayu was the one responsible for helping Anjana, the mother of the almighty Hanuman, get through childbirth, and allow for him to take on the mighty adventures with Lord Rama. Vayu has shown his prowess through being recognized by Lord Indra himself

As the gods of all the universes come into conflict, Vayu shall be the one who will decide the fate of all the beings, for how will they fight if they cannot breathe?

Passive Ability

Allies in a 40 unit radius of Vayu have 25% increased Movement Speed

Primary Abilities

heavenly storm
Vayu channels for 1.25 seconds, shooting a figure 8 shape projectile of wind forwards. Enemies that are hit by this projectile take 70/120/170/220/270 Initial damage and 5/10/15/20/25 tick damage for 2 seconds (ticking every .2 seconds) (75% magical power scaling on both)

Cooldown: 14/12/10/8/7 seconds
Heavens Feel
Vayu calls down a gust of air on a circle radius of 20 units. Enemies hit by this take 50/90/130/170/210 (+90% magical scaling). If Vayu is in the circle, he stuns them for 1.2 seconds and shields his allies in the radius for 10% max health
Cooldown: 16/15/13/12/9 seconds
Gazelle rush
Vayu sends forth a gazelle, which can run through minions dealing damage, which can perform 3 functions

1. The gazelle will rush forward quickly and stop at the first enemy god hit, slowing them for 25% (30/50/70/90/110) + 60% magical scaling

2. The gazelle will rush forward at a normal speed, knocking up minions and stunning the first enemy god hit (55/80/115/150/185) +65% magical scaling

3. The gazelle will run forward at a slower than usual speed, knocking up anything in its path and at the end stunning enemies in the radius (70/110/150/190/230) + 80% magical scaling (stun duration is always 1.3 seconds)

Cooldown: 16/14/14/13/11 seconds

Ultimate Abilities

Windcallers Fury
Vayu leaps onto his chariot, becoming untargetable. During this time, he can place down 3 tornadoes in a 500 unit radius. These tornadoes will do 40/100/160/220/280 +90% magical scaling damage to anyone who enters them (tick damage for 2 seconds, hits every .5 seconds)

Duration: 8 seconds

Cooldown: 90 seconds throughout

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