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Veles by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 12, 2021
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The damp underground

Veles is depicted as a dragon or sometimes a human but is still nonetheless the god of the underworld. As wet as it is. He is considered a shepherd of souls and is a god of magic, trickery, and music. Is sometimes.curious and mischievous enough to go outside and mess around with Perun.

Passive Ability

Dragon skin
Veles gains 15% increased magical power from his total and 50% of his magical power is converted into protections and health when Veles turns into a dragon.

Primary Abilities

Bottomless pit
Veles sends a hole forward that increases in size. If an enemy falls into this hole they take DMG, are shot back out and then rooted. Root lasts 2 sec. Hole will stop moving and growing in size after one enemy falls in. Lasts 3 sec on the ground.
Wooly wetness
Veles sends forth water that upon landing expands and deals DMG. If that kills anything it can happen again bigger and dealing more DMG. Can occur up to 2 times. last recast knocks up enemies hit.
Shepherd of souls
Veles calls a nearby spirits and souls to him sucking them closer in a cone. Can't move only turn. This deals DMG over time slowing and pulling enemies closer to himself. After 3 sec 25% of all DMG dealt by sucking in souls is life stealed by Veles. Gains speed boost afterwards as well.

Ultimate Abilities

Dragon's wrath
Veles leaps forward and mid air he transforms into a terrifying three headed dragon. Upon landing enemies beneath him take DMG and are stunned. Enemies nearby are knocked up. All enemies **** upon landing take 15% increased DMG from all sources as long as Veles is alive or his ulti persists. BA now gives off fire in three cones. Boosted his abilities. Ability 1 the holes size is maxed upon casting. Ability 2 deals more DMG, has larger area of affect, and casts 3 times even if it doesn't kill anything.

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