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Vidar by BludPhoenix

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By: BludPhoenix
Last Updated: Mar 7, 2021
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The Silent God

Vidar has one purpose in life and that's to kill the wolf Fenrir, he has spent most of his life in the green fields with his sword and a leather boot that is said to have been collected through his time wandering the lands and its said that this boot is so string that it can withstand even Fenrir's razor sharp canines.

Passive Ability

Collected Boot
AS the game progresses Vidar collects leather for his boot, as he collects more pieces of his boot he gains physical protections to help protects him from physical attacks.

Vidar will collect 5 stacks for his boot

Each stack will provide 10 physical protections he starts of with 1 stack of his passive.

Primary Abilities

Silent Stirke
This is a line ability where Vidar will swing his sword causing a line attack dealing damage and silencing enemy gods hit for 1 second

60/115/170/225/280 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Rip And Tare
Vidar launches at his enemy grabbing them and ripping them apart bare handed.

Vidar deals damage and stuns his opponent for 2 seconds due to the shock caused by being ripped apart bare handed by Vidar

40/90/140/190/240 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Vengeful Slash
Vidar swings his sword in an AOE damage area around him taking protections for the duration of the ability.

Spin Damage: 10/30/50/70/90 (+10% of your Physical Power)
Final Damage: 30/80/130/180/230 (+50% of your Physical Power)

Ultimate Abilities

Flying Stomp
Vidar Jumps into the air and comes crashing down slamming his boot unto the ground knocking up enemies and swinging his sword around his in the process causing damage to the knocked up enemies.

Damage: 150/225/300/375/450 (+120% of your Physical Power)

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