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Xipe Totec by Kaitlasse

5 Votes

Xipe Totec

By: Kaitlasse
Last Updated: Nov 2, 2021
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Xipe Totec

Our Lord the Flayed One

first things first, yes I know that Xipe was mainly an Aztec god and even though the world history encyclopedia claims that the Maya adopted the god into their own pantheon we cannot be sure to what extent, let's just have some fun.

As to Xipes looks, I picture a normal height god clearly wearing someone else flayed skin with a few parts of his real skin poking out. he would be wearing an intricate crown and sporting red feathers as for weaponry he would be wielding a ritual dagger and a small golden shield similar to a parma shield. The general clour scheme would be red and gold.

Passive Ability

Layers of skin
following the cycle of death and rebirth enemy gods that die are sacrificed to Xipe Totec and thus granting him a buff until they respawn, this buff is amplified if Xipe himself got the kill or an assist. stacks up to 5 times.
prot/power per dead enemy god: 10
prot/power if Xipe participated in kill: 20

Primary Abilities

pox-ridden dagger
Xipe Totec thrusts his dagger in front of him dealing damage and causing damage over time as well as slowing enemy gods hit. the debuff refreshes every time Xipe strikes an affected god with a basic attack. the debuff can only last consecutively 10s.
damage ticks every .33s.

ability type: line
damage: 60/80/95/110/130(+50% of your physical power)
damage per tick: 10/14/16/19/22(+25% of your physical power)
attack speed slow: 20%
debuff lifetime: 2s
range: 25
cost: 70/75/80/85/90
cooldown: 17s
the flaying pole
Xipe puts down a large pole that binds the closest enemy god within a radius of 60 units. if a bound enemy god moves further from the pole than its original range from the pole then the god will take damage for every step traveled.

ability type: ground target
damage per unit traveled: 35/70/105/140/175(+30% of your Physical power)
duration: 4s
radius: 30
cost: 80/85/90/95/100
cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16s
wherever i tread
when activating this ability Xipe gains extra movement speed for a while and behind him sprouts poisonous vegetation that hurt any enemy god that steps on them and heals any friendly gods that step on it including himself.

ability type: buff
damage: 15/30/45/60/75(+25% of your physical power) every 0.5s
heal: 10/15/20/25/30(+10% of your physical power) every 0.5s
movement speed: 25/30/35/40/45%
duration: 9s
cost: 80
cooldown: 23s

Ultimate Abilities

flay them living
Xipe rushes forward stopping at the first enemy god he hits, the enemy god is knocked back, if the god hit is bound by the flaying pole they are also stunned.

ability type: dash
damage: 100/170/240/310/380(+60% of your physical power)
range: 60
cost: 60/65/70/75/80
cooldown: 60s


Seeds are planted fields grow, the harvest is gathered and the cycle is repeated. No god represents this cycle of growth and regrowth better than Xipe Totec, his skin grows and is flayed after this it grows back again ready to be harvested once more. As the god sacrifices his skin to ensure a good harvest so must his worshipers sacrifice so that the god retains his strength. Captives are skinned alive and their hearts are cut out from their flayed bodies to ensure the flayed one's favor.

He was seen by many as the cause and curer of plague some even considered him the inventor of war.

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omagaush | November 4, 2021 2:13pm
god jul nils!!
Djansson (1) | November 4, 2021 2:11pm
Drenchedzebra | November 4, 2021 10:58am
Good concept!
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