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Xuan wu by ZingZang1235

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Xuan wu

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2021
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Xuan wu

Supreme emperor of the dark heaven

A god well versed in magic and the elements. Xuan wu wields his sword into battle empowering it with his abilities.

Passive Ability

Four fold strike
Every fourth ability cast deals 15% more dmg and refunds 25% of it's cooldown and mana cost. Casting abilities grants a stack of increased attack speed. Max stacks is 4. Whenever an ability is cast he gains a new passive effect and the previous effect will disappear within 1.5 sec.

Primary Abilities

Black tortoise counter
Gains movement speed and 15% dmg reduction for 3 sec. Can recast this ability while dmg reduction persists to self root for .5 sec and stab forwards. Any cc or dmg that hits him during this time is negated. If this recast hits an enemy they take dmg and are poisoned. If they are hit after Xuan Wu blocks cc he stuns all enemies hit and if Xuan Wu blocks dmg the stab deals bonus max hp dmg.

Passive: for 3 sec every third BA now heals Xuan Wu based on his max hp and gains movement speed.
White tiger fury
Selects an area and leaps to it. Upon landing swings his sword around him in a circle dealing dmg and slowing all enemies hit. Enemies hit are then marked for 3 sec. If Xuan Wu hits an enemy with the mark 15% of his physical dmg is dealt as true dmg.

Passive: for 3 sec every third BA now deals bonus dmg and applies bleed for 3 sec.
Azure dragon spirit
In a line forwards Xuan Wu sends forth a blue dragon. Stops upon hitting an enemy unit exploding dealing dmg in a radius around the first enemy hit and stunning. This marks enemies hit for 3 sec to take 10% more magic dmg from all sources.

Passive: for 3 sec every third BA now becomes ranged and upon hitting an enemy explodes in a small radius dmging and slowing all nearby enemies.

Ultimate Abilities

Vermilion fire bird breath
Xuan Wu slams the ground rooting all enemies nearby and creates swirling flames around himself. For 3 sec this fire deals dmg over time and reduces enemy protections. The fire explodes after 3 sec dealing max hp dmg.

Passive: for 3 sec every third BA steals a portion of an enemies protections and burns them. This effect can stack on one enemy up to 3 times.

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