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Yama by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Oct 9, 2023
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Lord of the Pitrs

God Description

Passive Ability

Judgement of Souls
Whenever Yama hits an enemy he applies stacks of judgement on them. Max stacks is 5. Each stack reduces enemy protections and temporarily grant them to Yama. Lasts 3 sec per stack. If an enemy gains max stacks their power is reduced and Yama gains a shield based on the amount of protections stolen. Lasts 3 sec. Has a 10 sec cooldown on gods and can't gain stacks until afterwards.

Primary Abilities

Passive: whenever a shield on Yama expires or is destroyed it explodes in an area around him dealing dmg based on a percentage of the shields health and heals allies the same amount.

Active: Yama grants himself a shield based on his max hp. Whilst this shield persists he gains movement speed, attack speed, and his BAs deal max hp dmg. Lasts 3 sec.
Enter Naraka
Yama selects an area and after a 1 sec delay it explodes as a pair of hands grasp any enemy in that area dealing dmg and stunning enemies hit. It then lingers on the ground for 3 sec dealing constant dmg to enemies who stand on it. Yama heals a percentage of his max hp while standing on the zone.
Chasing Criminals
Yama selects an area and leaps to it upon casting. In an area around where he lands Yama taunts and dmges enemies. Taunted enemies are marked for 3 sec. If Yama or any of his allies hit an enemy with the mark they gain a shield that can stack up to a cap. If an ally gains a shield this way and it expires they are healed a percentage of the shields health.

Ultimate Abilities

Cycle of Death
Upon casting in an area around himself Yama sends forth ancestral spirits to attack any enemy in range. These deal dmg which is increased based on passive stacks. The spirits also apply Yama's passive. Lasts 5 sec. If an enemy unit is killed Yama grants a shield to all allies including himself in range of this ability. Shields gained this way last 1 sec. If Yama grants a shield to an ally that already has one from this ability his passive actives on that shield and it is destroyed early.

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