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Yamata No Orochi by Siriius J KotS M

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Yamata No Orochi

By: Siriius J KotS M
Last Updated: Oct 29, 2022
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Yamata No Orochi

El dragĂłn de las 8 cabezas y las 8 colas

God Description

Passive Ability

Every time Yamata No Orochi kills 8 gods, he gains a permanent MP5 and power boost. stack up to a maximum of 2 charges from 8 gods

Primary Abilities

Yamata No Orochi Throws an image of himself at a target location that acts as a sentinel. it turns transparent when the ability is cast and is present whenever the enemy passes within 30 units of it, attacking the adjective and slowing its movement speed. if the skill is close to the player it will give him HP5 (max 8)
divine wind
Yamata No Orochi summons a wind that encloses the enemy gods creating a current that pushes the enemy towards the center after 4 seconds an explosion is released inside causing damage and applying a stun
shadow reflector
Yamata No Orochi Creates a barrier that absorbs 40% damage for 2 seconds, then teleports to a target within a 60 radius, reflecting it as damage. doing so leaves an image of itself that emits a wave that damages nearby enemies returning to the current position after finishing casting the ability

Ultimate Abilities

8 heads and 8 tails
Yamata No Orochi muestra su verdadera forma transformándose en un dragón de 8 cabezas y 8 colas, lanzando 8 columnas de fuego que recorren 60 unidades de distancia. la capacidad se puede reactivar para cambiar la capacidad de forma lineal o cónica

Yamata No Orochi

Born by the blood of the war because of Izanagi against Izanami.

Yamata No Orochi or also known as the Dragon with 8 heads and 8 tails was the most evil of all dragons.

Centuries ago, the storm god Susano-o was cast from the sky and descended to earth on Mount Torikama near the Hi River in Izumo Province. There, he met an elderly god couple named Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi, who were crying. When Susanoo asked why they were crying, they explained that they once had eight daughters, but that every year the eight-headed, eight-tailed serpent Yamata no Orochi demanded one as a sacrifice. Now they had his eighth and last child, Kushinada-hime. Soon it would be time for Yamata no Orochi to demand a sacrifice.

Susanoo explained that he was the older brother of the sun goddess Amaterasu and offered to kill the beast in exchange for Kushinada hime's hand in marriage. The old couple agreed and Susanoo put into motion his plan to defeat the snake.

playing style

A mage with high CC ability. useful in coordinated attacks with your team

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