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Yamer by xmysterionz

6 Votes


By: xmysterionz
Last Updated: Nov 3, 2021
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The Frost Knight

Brings the frost and ice power to your enemy, be the frontline that guides your team to the victory and show them how the winter can be mortal

Passive Ability

Winter's Chill
Every time Yamer hit something or is hit by an enemy he gains a stack of "Winter's Chill". The stacks freeze his armor creating a solid ice protection that increase his defenses. Upon reaching the max stacks he will be totally covered on ice allowing he blocks a basic attack or an enemy ability that damages, what happens first breaking the ice protection, losing all the stacks. If Yamer stay out of combat for longer than 20 secs the ice starts to melt making he starts to lose stacks. Other abilities may have additional effects when Yamer has a certain amount of stacks.

Ability type: Self Buff
Max Stacks: 100
Protection per stack: 0.2 + 0.02 per level
Stacks lost per sec out of combat: 1 per 2 secs.

Primary Abilities

Ice Fury
Yamer uses his power to conjure Ice blades to fall in front of him dealing damage and slowing the targets. If Winter's chill has 80 or more stacks the slow duration is doubled but Yamer loses 15 stacks.

Ability type: Line
Range: 15/25/35/45/55 units
Damage: 100/160/220/280/340 (+ 55% of your physical power)
Slow: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
Slow duration: 2 secs
Cost: 55 Mana
Cooldown: 8/9/10/11/12 secs
Yamer fires a frost projectile that stops on the first enemy hit creating a minor frost explosion freezing his feet and legs dealing damage, rooting and crippling the enemy. If Yamer has at least 80 stacks on his passive the root/cripple duration is doubled but Yamer loses 25 stacks.

Ability type: Projectile
Root/Cripple duration: 0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9/1
Damage: 80/110/140/170/200 (+65% of your physical power)
Max Range 35/40/45/50/55 units
Cost: 45/55/65/75/85 Mana
Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 secs
Jump 'n' Block
Yamer jumps in air the moving to the direction he was walking creating a minor wall on the original location that blocks any projectiles (including projectiles abilities and line abilities). He may activate it again to explode the wall dealing damage on the enemies or wait until it expires. If he has at least 80 stacks, the wall explosion also applies an Slow but Yamer loses 15 stacks.

Ability type: Leap/Cone
Leap range: 20/25/30/35/40 units
Land Damage: 50/80/110/140/170 (+55% of your physical power)
Wall Damage: 40/70/100/130/160 (+60% of your physical power)
Wall Slow: 20%
Cost: 80/75/70/65/60 Mana
Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14

Ultimate Abilities

The Winter's Blessing
Yamer blesses himself with the winter's power, gaining instantly all the stacks of your passive and keeping all of them while also become immune to root and slows. The winters power creates a storm that will make the enemies in the range "Shiver" while damage every 0.1 and also start to freeze the enemies in the range, slowing them and also reducing their attack speed. If the enemies stay inside the storm for 1.5 secs they will be totally freezed.

Damage: 11/14/17/21/25 (+5% of your physical power)
Slow per tick: 1.5/1.7/1.9/2.2/2.5%
Attack Speed reduction per tick: 1/1.2/1.35/1.47/1.6%
Freeze duration: 1.5 secs
Range: 35/40/45/50/55 units
Duration: 2.5 secs
Cost: 100/120/140/160/180 Mana
Cooldown: 110/105/100/95/90 Secs


Yamer of Rigia was born on the Village of Rigia and his dream was always be a big soldier who protected the world from the destruction. Since he was a kid, he was always fascinated with the Warriors of his village who bravely protected it for years. This admiration mostly came from his father, the leader of the warriors. He never understood why the village were constantly attacked if they weren't a big metropolis and have nothing special, just food for their survival. That's what he thought.

When he was at the age (something around the 15 years old) he joined the Warriors and on a night, not so far from the official date he joined the warriors, when they were celebrating the birthday of his father, they were attacked and after a tough fight, they won, but lost too many men...including his father who gave him his mission, protect the village. On the next days Yamer was very disoriented feeling so faithless, lost on this wasted land, without know what expect of himself and put under the pressure of walking on his father's shoes, a recent formed warrior needing lead all the rest of squad. Everything he thought he would be had fallen apart, right in front of him.

Without know what to do and afraid of a new attack he forced all people from the Rigia get their stuffs and move to a not so far deep cave. Reaching there all people had to make a giant effort to move a huge rock on the main entrance. The massive rock fell with a huge sound, opening a road to the truth for Yamer. They entered and pulled the rock again to close it. The buried in green forest, the limitless blue sky with beautiful white clouds and soft cool wind on their faces were left behind, that was the last time they would see and feel it. There he said they would be safe from the other peoples' wrath he also decided that flushing them out wasn't worth the trouble.

There they made a new "home". They protected it with what they could and created a minor entrance used only to get supplies on the surface and after years living like rats in the deep and shadows he decided to create a group with the objective of explore the deepest part of the cave, never touched yet. There they found a lot of danger places and many traps that killed the entire team except him, who was, apparently, the most intelligent. In the deepest part of cave he found a glowing weird stone on a specie of altar and the temperature near it also drastically decreased. It was the Water Gem. He approached and when he was about to touch it Lu-a appeared in front of him above the stone and told him everything about her, the Gems and that his people were the chosen ones to protect it, so she asked if he agree to protect it like his father did and he promptly answered yes.

Lu-a blessed him like said on the prophecy, gaining incredible intelligence and the bracelet with Water Gem's power but before he leave the place. He ask to Lu-a one last thing: a final conversation with his father, that he want to remember his face, the way he looked to him, the way he whispered to him that he has NOTHING to fear, "I would sell my soul just to recall that at any day and any time". And she did. After the conversation where his father said he was proud of him and that was his chance to be what he always wanted to he returned to his people that were discovered and were being attacked and ordered to open the main door and prepare for a battle. He stood in front of all warriors and guide of all them in the battle with his power with a flawless victory.

Then they moved away from the cave and Yamer ordered to them re-build Rigia village, now bigger and he lead Rigia's army for some years in many battles, massive parts victories and then he left it to live in an unknown place but one thing I'm sure, He will always be protecting the gem. Now with the Battleground of Gods, he knows some Gods want his gem and he will not allow they take it.

Later he would discover and create the Knights of the Order, but that's a story for another day ;)

The Mystirian Mythology

Pantheon Lore

Before anything exists, there was only darkness. So, the Goddess of Gods Lu-a created gems and called the "Sublime Gems", each one containing a bit of her power and then used all of them to create our world as it is, and the gems brought life to it. After it the gems were placed on our world in hidden places to protect the existent life because whoever controls a gem controls its power and by controlling all of them you would control the entire world.

There were a lot of gems such as: Fire, Water, Wind, Land, Lightning, Nature and Life... The Fire gem brings the heat to our world, while the Water gem brings the winter and cold weathers. The Wind brings the air, the Land the "ground" to our world while the lightning the electricity and light. Nature and Life brings all the forests you can see and life to all animals in these planets along with Spring. So, every element that present on this Earth has a gem for it.

Lu-a sure knew some people, once they discover the gem power they would use it to bring death and tyranny, so she decided to chose one person blessing him, so he could become a semi-god and his order would be to control and protect each gem, materializing it into a bracelet called "ring of power" (3 rings together one above the other, the first one, the biggest in diagonal from left to right, the other slightly smaller from right to left and the smaller in the center in a straight line). And for years and years the rings were safe, keeping the planet life as we know, thanks to our glorious guardians that entitle themselves as the Knights of the Order.

Later, Frank a genius Leotoch (a very small creature similar to a leopard but with almost indestructible biology) studied the rings and discovered they modify the human body adding a new atom named as "element 125". The 125 was responsible for all modifications and powers, so Frank after many years studying it, he was able to extract the 125 from the blood of the knights and replicate it allowing them to expand the Knights of the Order, "recruiting" (or creating) new knights.

Personality and Look

My vision

Yamer is the most wise of all 7 Original Gem Protectors, he was chosen due his extensive combat knowledge he would get and specially for his desire of "save the world". Considered the commander of all knight forces he not only is responsible for the most victories he was in, for being the genius who developed the combat tactics used and also the front line of the combat showing to all people how brave he is, being able to guide all fighters on every match. When the battle changed into this battleground of gods, he remains all that wise and is always confident on himself and his team potential.

Pronunciation: E-AN-MER (Like the "Mer" of "MERlin").

Credits to Fantasy Pics Inc via Pinterest

Theme – A natural leader, front liner that guides other people to victory.
Visuals – Blue, Medieval Knight, A normal body with some minor muscles. Inspire braveness and leadership.
Personality – Calm, wise, intelligent and a bit "cold" for feelings.
Perspective – Respected, Reliable, Followed.

Yamer fears no one and nothing. He is a straight leader the shows it on every part of his visual. His armor (similar to a medieval armor) shows clearly that he is a tank and intimidates any enemy that pass on his way. He has small and strong steps and few and quick animations. His body is always covered with some ice/freeze details. The sword it not large but not short too, similar to K.A but a bit "more fat". His colors are a mix of white, light and dark blue, the winter colors. He also wears a big helmet that covers his face entirely and all his expressions can be seen only by the eyes that are the "black holes" on the helmet. On his left hand a grey bracelet (more like a big ring) shows all gems symbols and the Water symbol is glowing with a blue light. On the other hand an extremely resistant bracelet protects his arm. On the hands gloves with some metal parts protect his hands allied also with boots using the same metal parts protecting his feet.

His voice is similar to Ra on his Snow Strix skins: Something kinda soft but at the same time intimidating. Shows respect, power and leadership on every single line allied with tons of confidence on his power and teammates (sometimes even overconfident).

voice lines

The play style

What's the main idea?

Yamer was made to be an ability based god with maybe some AAs between the skills and a totally front liner and engager for the team he serves. With a unique passive that requires an smart control to make a good use of it, it allows him be a true tank with high defenses and high mitigation without need build tons of protections to do so as long as he stay on combat. He also has another unique characteristic, the range of his skills increase as time pass. So we have a tank god early game, even without items due the passive, but needing to play always on melee range and end with a medium range but tank enough to get closer to hit enemies and stay on combat for longer periods.

How the passive works?

The passive is based on stacks. Each time he attacks a god or is attacked by a god he gains stacks that slowly increase his protections and as long as he stay (or at least enter) in combat every 20 secs he don't lose the stacks, else he lose it, decreasing slowly the protections. It works with minions too which means he can gain stacks attacking minions or being attacked by minions but in a reduced amount. As he gains the stacks his body would be get covered with Ice until reach the max stacks when his body would be totally covered with Ice just like Ullr on his T5. When totally covered in Ice he gains a basic attack block, like Magic Shell upgraded does and an ability block, blocking any ability that damages (tick abilities only blocks the first ticks (3 ticks)), what happens first which means if well played you can deny an entire burst skill or crit on basic just with your passive. Whenever you have a big amount of stacks your skills gain bonuses forcing the player choose between get more stacks to unlock the block passive or use the skills now get a bonus and lose some stacks. This passive would be marked with a Sword icon, similar to King Arthur passive, that would show exactly the amount of stacks you have and a timer below it would show how much time you have before start lose stacks. If the Yamer dies, he lost 50% of the stacks.

How Ice Fury works?

As the name and picture suggest Yamer brings the ice fury in a line in front of him making ice blades fall that damage the enemies and slow them. The skill starts with a very short range (basically melee), forcing Yamer expose himself for the first moments to clear the wave/damage the enemy, but the cooldown is also short, only 8 secs working as Time Rift of Chronos. You hit only part of the wave but you can hit it twice. When fully upgraded this skill becomes a normal line attack but the cooldown is also increased becoming a normal warrior skill cooldown. The line doesn't do insta damage, it starts doing damage (almost right after the cast) on the first units and then goes forward until reach the end, something like Bone Rush. This is skill has a 15 radius at all ranks.

How Freeze! works?

Similar to Ullr Thrown Axe, you fire a projectile that goes forward and upon reaching the first enemy it will create a minor explosion (like Kukulkan Zephyr does) dealing damage and crippling and rooting the enemy (freezing his feet and legs). Like I said it works as Ullr skill so it can be tanked by minions and objectives in general. This skill has a 4 radius and when hit something it creates a 10 radius explosion.

How Jump 'N' Block works?

This works as Rama Rolling Assault but instead a "dash" it is a leap that can go through walls. As Yamer go higher upon reaching the maximum height (375 strength) a wall is created where he initially was. This wall cannot be destroyed and blocks any projectile, line abilities and also basic attacks. Yamer may use the skill again to destroy it dealing damage in a small cone are in front of the wall (even if he didn't land yet).

How The Winter's Blessing works?

Similar to Set Sandstorm it creates a storm around him that damages, slows and reduces the enemy AS and a new CC called "Shiver". People Shivering start to shake the aim uncontrollable. This CC starts weak and as the ulti pass until the target is totally freezed it grows. The skill works as a Ramp to Stun basically but also reducing the Attack speed of the targets in the process. After 1.5 sec inside the ulti, targets are totally freezed (stunned for CC proposes). After 2.5 the blessing goes away. Important to notice some stuffs: 1) When the ulti is activated he immediately gains all the stacks of his passive (including the block) and don't lose them until the end of the ulti (however he can only block 1 basic or ability). 2) His body during the ulti would be the same as fully stack (that I already mentioned before on the passive). 3) The slow and AS debuff is applied only 15 times because after the 15th tick he will be stunned anyway. 4) The stun lasts 1.5 secs. So he need to stay inside the ulti for a total of 1.5 (of all the 2.5 secs) and then he will be stunned for 1.5 secs totaling 3 secs of CC. 5) You might think that 625 + 125% scaling is too much but remember that Amaterasu ulti can deal up to 288/450/612/774/936 (+150% of your physical power) damage ;).

Summary and Stats



  • I am not an artist, all images here were taken on the Google Images. All credits to the original artists.

  • I didn't want to go too deep into numbers or something like that because, obviously, I can't test it so let this for the balance team when the "god" will be released.

  • As you could read on the Lore, my pantheon does not exist so I had to chose Arthurian that I felt the most similar to mine

  • All the lores here are originals and made by me.

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xmysterionz (72) | November 13, 2019 6:47am
The other sections will be slowly added
xmysterionz (72) | November 18, 2019 9:50am
Finally done. now just some minor adjustments remaining
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