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Yan Luo Wang by ZingZang1235

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Yan Luo Wang

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 25, 2022
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Yan Luo Wang

The fifth judge of Di Yu

Yan is portrayed as a large man with a scowling red face, bulging eyes, and a long beard. He wears traditional robes and a judge's cap or a crown which bears the character for "king" (王). He is the ruler of hell or di Yu and is also the fifth and final judge of Di Yu. He has a book with the names and dates of all the beings who will die and when. If you erase your name from the book you get a form of immortality preventing your soul from being ripped out of your body on your death date. The demons in charge of bringing souls before Yan Luo Wang are Ox-head and Horse-face whose names give a very accurate description of what they look like.

Passive Ability

Ruler of the Di Yu
All lifesteal bonuses on Yan Luo Wang are increased by 5%-10% based on level and increases his max hp by 1% every time he uses lifesteal. Can stack infinitely.

Primary Abilities

List of the dead
In a cone forward Yan Luo Wang opens his book with the names and dates of all mortals death dates. If an enemy is in the cone when this ability is cast they are connected to the book with words and take dmg over time. The cone itself also deals constant dmg but also Lifesteals 25% of all dmg dealt from the cone. This lasts 3 sec. After 3 sec if the enemy hasn't broken it's connection to the book they are rooted and dmged again. The connection has a certain range before breaking in a secondary larger cone. Can not move while casting but can turn.
Ox-head and Horse-face
These two demons are the guards of the underworld and bring newly dead souls before Yan Luo Wang and he judges their souls based on their merit. This ability sends forth both demons in a line. If they hit and enemy they drag that enemy back towards Yan Luo Wang and make them kneel stunning them. This does dmg when they are grabbed and when they are stunned. If they don't hit enemies on their way out they return to Yan Luo Wang and can still carry enemies.
Book boo blast
In a small wide line forward Yan Luo Wang sends forth magic from his book that dmges, slows, and pushes enemies away. If the ability hits a minion or monster it pushes them instead and stuns enemies who are hit by the pushed monster and take dmg. Gains a shield of he pushes an enemy god away.

Ultimate Abilities

Banished to Di Yu
Yan Luo Wang selects an area and after 1 sec delay it takes enemies hit and banishes them to hell and forces them to go through all 18 levels of hell. This deals dmg to enemies multiple times and while banished can't take dmg from other sources and can't escape even with purification beads. Then after 3 sec the enemy lands back in the spot they were banished and are shackled to the ground for 1 sec afterward. If an Ally is hit they are marked for 5 sec. If they are killed with the mark still active then the Ally is revived with 50% hp left, full mana, and a shield based on the amount of dmg they took while the mark was active. This ability can affect multiple gods at the same time.

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