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Yaoji by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Nov 27, 2024
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Princess beautiful jade

God Description

Passive Ability

Master herbalist
Hitting an enemy god with an ability applies a mark to them. Hitting that enemy god with the same ability within 3 sec causes Yaoji to make an herbal medicine. She then tosses this to the nearest, lowest hp ally healing them and granting movement speed. This effect has a 10 sec cooldown per enemy god before they can gain marks again. Every 2 instances of making medicine grants Yaoji permanent bonus hp.

Primary Abilities

Entourage of fairies
Yaoji selects an area and all allied gods gain a shield and attack speed. During this time shielded allies have 3 empowered BAs. Each BA sends forth a fairie that deal dmg based on int. These fairies can crit based on shielded allies crit chance. Shield lasts 3 sec.
Yao grass
Upon casting Yaoji throws a bundle of Yao grass in a line. Stops upon hitting an enemy dealing dmg and charming them. If the grass comes into contact with any part of burst of life it detonates again dealing bonus dmg and knocking up enemies hit.
Burst of life
Upon casting Yaoji draws a path on the ground causing life to burst up from the ground. This dmges and knocks up enemies hit. Allies in this path are healed and also knocked up but can maneuver in mid air. The busted up ground then lingers for 3 sec granting nearby allies increased hp5 and movement speed.

Ultimate Abilities

Carve through the Mountains
Upon casting Yaoji begins channeling and after 1.5 sec the ability automatically fires. Cannot recast this ability early but can cancel which costs mana. Waiting full duration sends forth a blast of magic and fairies. Enemies hit take dmg. This ability cuts through terrain allowing anyone to walk through them. The projectile leaves behind a trail that grants movement speed to allies who walk in the same direction as the projectile.

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