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YOG-SOTHOTH by jilah

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By: jilah
Last Updated: Jul 26, 2023
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The All-in-One

Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They have trod earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread.
From the Dunwich Horror , HP Lovecraft , finished the 13th December 1928

General : Move between spaces to surprise and gank . "Yog-Sothoth is everywhere and everywhere he/she/it is , desperation and agony follows "

Description : Yog-Sothoth has many appearances but in Smite , he/she/it is a mass of glowing oval orbs maintained together by a mysterious deep purple mist from witch tendrils emerges. Yog-Sothoth loosing HP, the less the orbs . gaining HP , the more , which makes it clear if it 's low or full .

Skins : Golden orb / Egg tree cartoon style / Assassination classroom 's Koro Sensei / Hacker nation glitch orb interface / Disco Ball

Emotes : Dancing orbs / Wave ( moving like a mass of fishes ) / Clapping ( two orbs clanking each other )

In the same Pantheon :
Dagon, Father Dagon , Warrior
Nyarlathotep, The crawling chaos, Assassin
Mormo, The Thousand faced Moon , Hybrid ( Assassin/Hunter/Warrior )
Hastur, The King in Yellow , Hunter
Azathoth ,The blind idiot god , Map

Passive Ability

Dark Dimension
Everytime Yog-Sothoth emerges itself into the dark dimension he stacks . Stacks are used for doubling its speed , % of its penetration and critical hit
Each 8 seconds, Yog-Sothoth gains an orb to replace the missing orb .

Primary Abilities

Type : Column / Damage

Yog-Sothoth fires from all his orbs at once . If he fires through its terror Bubble , then its "stings" ricochets inside the bubble ,doubling the damage dealt . The size of the column depend on the numbers of orbs composing the god
Type : Zone / CC/ Air control / Buff

Yog-Sothoth cast an half spheric zone of dark dimension which the "All-in-one" calls the "bubble"
Enemies caught inside lose control and start floating .
If Yog fires through the bubble , its shots bounces inside the bubble dealing double the initial damage
If Yog penetrates its own bubble , then it triggers its passive
Type : Deployable/ Cripple / Stealth / Buff / teleport

Yog-Sothoth 's escape ability which makes it enters its dark dimension , becoming invisible for its enemies and leaving an image of itself where he was standing . This image ( decoy ) fears enemies around it .

Yog-Sothoth can use this ability once again to teleport to the decoy

Ultimate Abilities

Type : Buff / Cripple

Yog-Sothoth can teleport to any of its allies . The destination can be chosen from spawn . The interface is similar to the Morrigan's , each portait appearing inside an orb , all it has to do is simply clicking on the orb to teleport . This ability triggers the passive , stacking at max .


Cancellation : This ability can be cancelled at the very last moment . If Omnipresence is cancelled , then a decoy is placed near the ally ( see Decoy of Fear )

Sudden Change : Yog-Sothoth can change an ally for another at the very last moment . Then a decoy is placed near the 1rst choice ally

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