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Yu Huang by ZingZang1235

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Yu Huang

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 25, 2022
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Yu Huang

The Jade Emperor

Was once a mortal prince and when he became king of his kingdom he decided to cultivate tao on a cliff side and did so for eons eventually turning into the Jade Emperor and gaining golden immortality. Before the Jade Emperor was actually the leader of all of the immortals earth was a much more disheveled place and demons were rampant. So in order to help humans he cultivated his tao even further. While this happened a demon intent on ruling over the heavens did that same thing but later then the Jade Emperor. When the Jade Emperor finished his cultivation heaven was already claimed by the demon so he went to the demon and fought it. Obviously the Jade Emperor won and reclaimed the heavens from the demon.

Passive Ability

Divine text
Every 3 BAs or ability casts empowers his next BA or ability to deal bonus dmg and if it hits an enemy god he gains permanent protection penetrations and bonus power. Can stack infinitely.

Primary Abilities

Paint brush sweep
In a line forward the Jade Emperor sends a large paint brush that swings side to side dmging and slowing enemies hit. At the end of it's range it deals bonus true dmg and knocks back enemies hit.
The four dragons
Upon casting an icon above his head automatically scrolls through 4 different objects each representing one of the 4 dragons. Is given 5 sec to recast this ability when its on one of the icons to use that dragons affect on this ability. The dragons are in order of Yellow, Long, Black, and Pearl.
Yellow dragon deals the most dmg and is the first icon to appear when this ability is cast. It stops on the first enemy hit and slows them.
Long dragon deals the second most dmg and can pass through all enemies. If it hits an enemy it travels further. When an enemy is killed by this it refunds 25% of it's mana cost. And refunds 25% of it's cooldown as well.
Black dragon deals the third highest dmg. Selects an area for the dragon to fly to and if it hits an enemy it deals dmg to them multiple times and knocks them backwards. Can hit multiple enemies.
Pearl dragon deals the least amount of dmg and goes through all enemies. When it hits an enemy they are dmged and marked. If the mark is hit the Ally who hits it gains a shield and movement speed and the mark deals dmg to the enemy it's on and slows them.
Dispel evil
The Jade Emperor selects an area and all enemies in it are dmged, slowed, and have a mark applied to them. If the enemy with a mark is hit the mark deals dmg again and slows again but it's increased. For 3 sec after the mark expires the enemy it was on takes 15% increased dmg from all sources. This also makes invis enemies able to be seen and reduces their healing.

Ultimate Abilities

Golden immortality
When cast for 3 sec the Jade Emperor can cast his abilities without cooldowns or spending mana and increases his power by 20%. Gains movement speed, is unable to be slowed, and if killed in this state he instead becomes untargetable for 1.5 sec and respawns with 75% of all stats.

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