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Yue Lao by ZingZang1235

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Yue Lao

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 15, 2022
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Yue Lao

The old man under the moon

Yue Lao is the god of love and marriage and worshippers wear red ribbons on their wrists to signify their wish for a romantic relationship. Is depicted as being an old man wearing yellow imperial robes and has a book listing all the names of people who had recent marriages or engagements.

Passive Ability

The book of marriage
BAs deal bonus dmg based on his bonus hp and the enemies max hp. Casting abilities grants attack speed to him and nearby allies for 3 sec. Can stack up to 3 times.

Primary Abilities

Red thread of fate
If an ally is selected Yue Lao ties a red ribbon between them and you healing them over time and granting movement speed over 3 sec. Then the healing is reduced but constant as long as the ribbon is there. Breaks if both gods are too far apart or if one of them dies. Can recast a second time to select either another ally, yourself, or an enemy. If it's yourself or an ally refresh the healing and move speed for another 3 sec but increased by 15%. If it's an enemy they are rooted for .5 sec and then slowed for 2.5 sec. During this slow and root they also take dmg equal to the amount of healing your ally gains for 3 sec when the ribbon is given to a god. This also happens if the ribbon is given to two enemies except the root deals increased dmg and lasts 1 sec while slow is 2 sec. Also deals increased dmg over time.
Moonlights blessing
Leaps to a selected area and in a larger radius the moon shines down. Enemies in it are slowed, dmged over time, and have shred 15% of their protections for 3 sec. Allies in the light are shielded, gain movement speed, and have 15% increased protections. Yue Lao himself gains attack speed at a 20% increase in protections.
Moon orbs
In an area around himself he summons a certain number of orbs based on this abilities level and after a .5 sec delay they automatically seek out enemies in range. Will prioritize enemies affected by red thread of fate. Max number of orbs is 10. Each deal dmg and slow enemies hit. After each hit an enemy the amount that hit enemy gods grants him bonus attack speed and dmg on BAs for 5 sec. Stacks up to a cap.

Ultimate Abilities

Ribbons of love
In an area around himself yue Lao sends ribbons to all enemies. This deals dmg and slows them for 3 sec. Also deals dmg over time. Then after 3 sec the dmg is dealt again and the ribbons are broken stunning all enemies who still have a ribbon on them. If an ally is nearby they also gain a ribbon and are healed and then healed over time for 3 sec. Once that's over the ribbons reapply the first heal and grant movement speed.

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