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Zelos by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2022
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The god of jealousy

The final sibling of nike, kratos, and bia and is the god of jealousy and envy. Is almost like a winged angel.

Passive Ability

Zeal mark
BAs and abilities afflict enemies with stacks of Zeal. At 7 stacks Zelos gains an empowered BA that deals increased DMG to them and steals armor.

Primary Abilities

Flight of the envious
Zelos leaps forward to an area and upon landing charms enemies and applies 3 stacks of Zeal. Gains speed boost after landing as well.
Corrupted heart
Zelos dashes forward and upon hitting an enemy god prevents them from moving. Zelos then looks at the corrupt emotions inside that gods heart and deals true DMG and then DMG over time. Then Zelos thrusts his sword through the heart of that enemy gaining hp and Mana as well as giving 4 stacks of Zeal.
Dark thoughts
Zelos infects the hearts of enemies with dark thoughts and fears them in an area around him. This gives a stack of Zeal every sec. Also life steals and deals DMG. boosts ability 2 DMG. Then gathering the dark emotions of enemies he fires them all as a condensed ball of energy. This torments enemies hit dealing DMG to them and fearing.

Ultimate Abilities

Wings of zeal
Zelos reveals his true form and unravels his wings. This grants bonus speed and DMG as well as refreshes the cooldown's on all his abilities. Killing an enemy refreshes his abilities and speed boost again. All stacks of Zeal are instantly finished if near enough transformation. Gives stacks in an aura around himself every sec. Ability can stun enemies grabbed. Ability 3 projectile is larger and deals increased DMG.

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