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Zero by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Nov 4, 2021
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The ghost dog

Zero is jack skellingtons pet ghost dog who surprising resembles Rudolph the red nosed reindeer as zero also has a red glowing nose. Zero looks like a dog but it had no legs and its body looks like a floating sheet.

Passive Ability

Doggy bone finder
Attacking an enemy marks them for 5 sec. If an Ally hits that enemy with the mark the mark explodes dealing bonus dmg. This gives a movement speed boost towards that enemy for 3 sec to the ally who hit the mark.

Primary Abilities

Haunted barking
Zero barks in a large cone in front of himself stunning and dmging enemies hit. This trembles them as well.
Spotlight nose
Passive: when an enemy is marked with zeros passive they leave a trail behind them that zero can see as well as an ally he is attached to. If zero or the ally he is attached to follows the trail they gain movement speed. Active: is zero is in range of a marked enemy he can lunge onto the enemy rooting them dmging that enemy over 2 sec. That enemy now takes increased dmg from zeros passive and takes 15% increased dmg for 3 sec after the mark is consumed.
Loyal companion
Zero selects an ally to leap to and heals them and attaches to them becoming untargetable. Zero can freely cast abilities while attached to that ally and increases that allies base healing and attack speed by 15%. Can stay attached to an Ally indefinitely. Is zero leaves an Ally they are healed again and gain a movement speed boost for 3 sec. Ability 1 bonus: if zeros first ability is cast while on an Ally that ally also gains a shield. Ability 2 bonus: if zero is in range of an enemy and casts his second ability to lunge at that enemy he dismounts an ally and gives the ally increased prots for 1.5 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Skeletons best friend
Zero reveals all enemies with his passive mark and all allies being able to select them all(like neith ulti). Then zero selects one to dig to becoming unstoppable and untargetable until he reappears. Ally selected: If zero chooses an Ally they are shielded when selected and when zero arrives in an area around the ally all enemies are applies zeroes passive and knocked up. They also take 25% more dmg from all sources for 5 sec. When the shielded ally takes dmg 50% of the dmg taken is healed back to them over time. Enemy selected: if an enemy is selected zero dashes to them and his make on that enemy changes letting them know zero chose them. Upon arriving zero dmged the selected enemy and knocks up any nearby enemies. Zero gains a shield from this and movement speed for 5 sec.

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