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Zhinui by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 9, 2021
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Cloud weaver

Technically this goddess doesn't have a lot going for her besides the fact that she makes every gods clothes out of clouds. You will see why I decided to put her here and also I think her abilities are pretty cool.

Passive Ability

Woven needles
Her BAs.embed themselves into enemies which lasts 3 sec then they disappear. Hitting enemies who have this resets cool down of 3 sec.

Primary Abilities

Cloud weaving
An an area around her Zhinui shields allies and hides them from enemies sight. Enemies are blinded in area and roots them dealing dmg.
Cloud helpers
(couldn't think of a better name).calls forth four clouds that help Zhinuis BAs and abilities. After casting gains increased speed for 3 sec. Clouds last 6 sec.
Sewing release
You remember Zhinuis passive? This is why it is the way it is. Pulls all the embedded needles in enemies instantly doing the dmg of her needles at once. Slows enemies and if killed by this ability leaves a line between the dead body and Zhinui that if other enemies walk through gains true sight of them and are rooted for 1.5 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Circle weave
Sends forth a thread to an enemy and roots them then she rides a cloud around the rooted enemy dealing dmg over time then after 3 sec she pulls the thread and the string goes through the rooted enemy dealing more dmg. This applies bleed and cripples them. Can ride cloud afterwards for 3 sec gaining increased speed.

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