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Zhu Bajie by ZingZang1235

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Zhu Bajie

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2021
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Zhu Bajie


Zhu Bajie is a human like creature but with a pigs head and tail. He used to be a heavenly general but failed to either capture sun wuking or was too lazy(varies depending on myth) and was cast down to earth to live as a human for the rest of his life but when his soul was sent down it hit a pig sending the pigs soul out and his in it to become the monstrous being known as pigsy. In order to redeem himself he was given the chance to go on the journey with Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang. At the end of the journey he was given a job from Buddha but since he still clung to his lust he wasn't given the same position as Sun Wukong or Sandy.

Passive Ability

Using a BA attack against monsters or minions under 10% hp executed them giving him hunger. Max hunger is 100% hunger. Gains 10% for every executed minion or monster. At max hunger all abilities are boosted. Max hunger only lasts for 5 sec before hunger starts going down. Depletes itself fully after 30 sec. Executing minions heals pigsy and reaching full hunger also heals him.

Primary Abilities

Nine-toothed rake
Upon casting leaps forward a short distance based on his current movement speed. This leaves a highlighted spot where this ability was cast and replaces this ability with a second cast. Has 5 sec to recast before ability goes on cooldown. Gains attack speed while recast version is available. Recast makes pigsy slam his take down rooting all enemies hit then he immediately carries all rooted enemies back to the highlighted spot and can't be interrupted. Enemies dragged back are dmged again and slowed and crippled. Full hunger bonus: enemies are stunned when pulled back, deals more dmg, and has 7 sec to recast before it goes on cooldown.
Chow time
If enemies reach 15% max hp they are marked and pigsy gains movement speed towards them. If enemies enter a small area around pigsy this ability eats those enemies under 15% granting permanent max hp and 25% of his hunger. This does not execute them it holds them in his stomach for 1.5 sec and they take dmg over time. This slows pigsy down by 25%. After 1.5 sec pigsy spits them back out slowing them and dmging them based off of their max hp. Full hunger bonus: eating range of hp is now 20% and lasts 3 sec inside of stomach. Slow while eating an enemy is reduced to 15%. Spit range is also increased.
Stomach roll
Upon casting gains increased movement speed which keeps increasing over 5 sec. Upon doing this pigsy rolls into a ball. Can be hit out of this state by taking dmg or being hit with cc. Rolling into an enemy dmged then and gives a new cc called grounded this puts enemies into the ground unable to do anything and lasts max 3 sec. Enemies can free themselves earlier if they press the jump button multiply times. This speeds up the process of freeing themselves by .2 sec every jump they do. Full hunger bonus: roll lasts 7 sec max and gains even more movement speed. grounded effect lasts max 5 sec and deals more dmg.

Ultimate Abilities

Falling from heaven
Pigsy dramatically reenacts his falling from heaven and into a pig on an area of his choosing cracking the ground into a giant ring of rocks. Enemies hit by this ability are dmged and knocked up and trapped in the ring for the next 5 sec or earlier if ability is recast to destroy the walls. Pigsy gains increased attack speed and constant full hunger for the duration of the ability. Walls can be destroyed and can be leaped over, blinked through or under. Full hunger bonus: deals more dmg, area of affect is larger, walls can't be broken or passed through, and lasts 8 sec.

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